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How To Save Multiple Images In An iMessage Thread

You can send images, videos, and voice messages over an iMessage thread. You can send all this over a group thread or an individual conversation thread. As of iOS 10, you can even set it so that the app sends low quality images instead of the HD ones. It makes things easier on your data plan and it’s faster. For better or for worse, iMessages doesn’t have an album feature. You can send multiple images in a single message but the images will not be grouped together in the thread. This wouldn’t be a big deal except saving them to your camera roll can become tedious. It seems that you have to save each photo individually to your camera roll. Of course, Apple really wouldn’t make it that difficult to save multiple images in an iMessage thread.

It’s actually easy to save multiple images in an iMessage thread in one go. The option is just ill placed. Open the Messages app on your iPhone or iPad. Tap the conversation thread you want to save images from. Tap the ‘i’ button next to the contact or group name.

This will take you to the details screen for that thread. The details screen shows all the images that were sent over the conversation thread. Tap and hold on an image that you want to save. From the floating toolbar that appears, tap ‘More’. This will select the image you tapped on. It will also let you select other images shared in the thread. Go ahead and select every single image you want to save to your camera roll.

At the bottom left of this screen you will see a ‘Save images’ option. Tap it to save the selected images to your camera roll.

You can also use this same method to delete multiple images at once. Just tap the trash can button at the bottom right to delete the selected images. This of course is also possible from the conversation thread. You can tap and hold an image, and select ‘More’ from the menu that appears.

When you tap ‘More’ it automatically selects the image and lets you select more images and even messages in the thread. A trash can icon appears at the bottom left. Tap it to delete the selected images and messages.

This is kind of what makes the option to save multiple images in an iMessage thread ill placed. You can select multiple images in the conversation view but there’s no save option. An unsuspecting user might think it’s just not possible. There is also some sense to this because while you can save images, you can’t save messages.

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