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How to generate random text in Microsoft Word

When creating a document of any type, you can start with an outline. It’s a good way to give yourself an overview of what you’re going to write, and what areas you need to cover. It also keeps different parts of a document connected and in a proper flow. Often times, headings are enough but you can add placeholder text to get a sense of how long a document will be, and format it accordingly.

random text in Microsoft Word

Generate random text in Word

There is no shortage of random text generators online. You can search for either a random text generator or a lorem ipsum generator and you’ll find what you’re looking for. The more sophisticated kinds of generators will allow you to choose the word length and how many paragraphs you need.

If you’re using Microsoft Word, and you do not want to deal with online apps, you can generate random text within the app. There is a built-in tool for the job. The text generator only works in Microsoft Word for Windows. The feature is not available on macOS.

How to generate random text in Microsoft Word

You can choose how long the generated text is in that you can pick the number of paragraphs and the number of sentences that will make up each paragraph.

  1. Click inside the document where you want to add random text.
  2. Enter =rand() and tap the Enter key.
  3. Random text will be generated.
  4. To qualify the text i.e., specify the number of paragraphs and sentences, use this format;
=rand(number of paragraphs, number of sentences in each paragraph)



Lorem Ipsum generator in Microsoft Word

If you’d like to add Lorem Ipsum text in Microsoft Word, the text generator can take of that as well.

  1. Open a Microsoft Word document.
  2. Click where you want to insert text.
  3. Enter =lorem() and tap the Enter key.

You can modify the text much the same way you can with the random text i.e. 

=lorem(number of paragraphs, number of sentences in each paragraph)



Pangram generator in Microsoft Word

A pangram is an English sentence that contains every single letter in the English language. If you’re trying to improve your handwriting, it’s a good sentence to practice writing over and over. Modern uses of a Pangram include font previews. You can us a pangram to see how every single letter in a font looks. To generate a pangram in Microsoft Word, follow these steps.

  1. Open a Microsoft Word document.
  2. Click where you want to insert text.
  3. Enter =rand.old() and tap the enter key.

To specify the number of paragraphs and sentences;

=rand.old(number of paragraphs, number of sentences in each paragraph)



Random text or filler text is a great way to format a document before you’ve written it. If you’re creating a template, the random text can be used to show others where text will be entered and how it will look. 


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