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Generate HTML Thumbnail Galleries From Any Image Folder With JoJoThumb

You’d hardly have ever thought of scrutinizing the whereabouts of the word thumbnail’s origins. Well, the internet says that it’s something reminiscent to actual human thumbnail. Whatever the case is, thumbnails surely are used in numerous places, including web, desktop and mobile operating systems, icons and whatnot. Should you be looking for a way to create your own version of these, try out JoJoThumb. It is a useful application for easily creating gorgeous looking thumbnails out of your image directory. Thanks to the program’s large format support, you can create thumbnails from BMP, GIF, JPEG, PNG, PSD, WMF, TGA, and RAW images of digital cameras. The application also generates HTML based gallery with index page, thumbnails and full images within. Even though it has a plain looking design, the sheer amount of settings under its options window makes it both feature-rich and flexible.

JoJoThumb is a multilingual application with support for up to seven different languages. The main interface has a menu bar at the top, and browse button for Base Directory (Clone Directory needs to be manually setup from Options). Once you have chosen your base directory, click Options to configure some settings before conversion.

JoJoThumb - Default

Under Profile > File Options, you can specify the image extensions that you want to be scanned during the base directory selection. Almost all major formats are supported. In addition, you can also specify the location of scanned images, i.e., base directory or sub-directory.

JoJoThumb Options - Default

Not only does JoJoThumb saves the thumbnails and related files under base directory, but you may also clone them into a separate folder. The exact files will be mirrored to the clone folder. Clone directory can be enabled and specified under Cloning. It houses plethora of other configurations, such as changing the quality and format of thumbnails, dimensions and toggling other miscellaneous parameters.

JoJoThumb Options_Clone

Cloning also allows to apply a few effects on the thumbnails – textstamps, for instance. Textstamps can be used to copyright the images, such as through watermarking, and thankfully, you can adjust the placement of the text from various predefined positions. Other than Textstamp, you can employ Imagestamp, Border and Imageeffect.

JoJoThumb Options_Effects

As mentioned at the beginning, the application also generates HTML thumbnail galleries. HTML section within the options window contains a number of settings to change the aesthetics. Such as, Sorting, Decoration, Initialpage, Index-Document, Thumnail-Document, Image-Document.

JoJoThumb Options - HTML

Clicking Start on the main window commences the conversion process and automatically opens up the newly created gallery in your web browser.


JoJoThumb is a very unique tool, which, although has a niche user-base, is loaded with features and caters different usage scenarios. It works on Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7 and Windows 8.

Download JoJoThumb

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