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How Many Blocks are in Minecraft?

Minecraft, also known as the online pro-LEGO game, has gained millions of gamers’ attention all over the world since it was originally introduced in 2009.

Maintained by Mojang Studio, the masterpiece, with its unique pixelated style of depicting the world, has received quite a number of accolades. A remarkable belief shared among gamers and reviewers is that it boosts gamers’ creativity and reasoning ability when faced with challenges.

To ensure the fun goes around and every fan gets to enjoy this experience, the game was simplified and made available for mobile users between 2011 and 2012 when the iOS and Android versions were released.

One of the interesting things about this game is its Siamese relationship with blocks. Is there a thing you can do in Minecraft without blocks? How many blocks are there in Minecraft? Read on!


What are blocks in Minecraft?

Minecraft is an adventure game where the player gets to explore, discover, and build a life out of blocks in a new world. Now you might want to ask what blocks are in Minecraft.

In Minecraft, blocks are the materials you build structures with. Simply put, “Minecraft is a game of blocks, and blocks make up Minecraft. And, no, this is not another mystery, it basically emphasizes the nature of the whole game to have been created with blocks of different natures.

In the same way the atmosphere is composed of air and other unseen elements, the basic component of any structure you can think of in the game is a block. From building yourself home to sourcing food, and mining basic survival tools, you need to break down a block to extract whatever you need to achieve any of these. 

Now that we have provided some insight on what blocks are, to have a hang on what to expect while exploring your world, knowing how many blocks there are altogether could be an unpopular hint while playing.

In the next section, I will take you through an elaborate analysis to suggest the approximate value of the number of blocks in the game.

How many blocks are in Minecraft?

According to analyses carried out by some gamers using MCEdit- a saved game editor for Minecraft- and manual observation, the world of Minecraft contains both elements and entities. Some of the elements include air, running water, flowing lava, water, gravel, sand, gold ore, iron ore, coal ore, dirt, stone, among others, while some of the entities include the main character, villagers, witches, zombies, mobs, pigs, sheep, spiders, cows, and others. While it is quite complicated to determine which is an actual “block” and which is not- since they are all made in pixels, we will do an average estimate of the observable count below.

Approximately, there are over 702 (seven hundred and two) blocks in Minecraft, and in a single game, there are collectively over 2 (two) million blocks boxed up in different pixels to create scenes, elements, and entities.

Some of the components that make up the over 700 blocks are bricks, fire, decorating elements, banner, flow, snow, clay, grass, nether, plant life, animals, zombies, and humans.

Final Thought

It is quite difficult to have a specific count of the total number of blocks that make up the game, but one can take solace in the experience of “leading a creative and surviving” life in the world of pixels!

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