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AllSongsBy Lets You Search And Listen To All Songs By Any Artist [Web]

When searching for your favorite artists or songs, do you ever wish to see the entire list of albums and songs produced by them? AllSongsBy is a web service that provides the entire discography for any artist. Songs and other details are all fetched from YouTube’s massive music collection, and then  neatly displayed as interactive lists. AllSongBy has a slick interface that lets you search for music by Artist, Album or Song. Furthermore, it also lets you view the most popular artists, and you don’t have to go to YouTube or anywhere else to play your videos. In addition to that, if you’re interested in buying a song, you can simply purchase it through iTunes. AllSongsBy displays detailed information about each song, such as Name, Video, Views, Previews, Artist and Price.

At the top of the page, you will find different song genres such as Classical, Country, Rock, Reggae, Karaoke and several others. You can either select one of the categories, or search for your own song/artist. Underneath the search bar, you will find Popular music artists, listing a wide range of famous singers.


When you search for a particular artist, the entire list of songs and albums produced by them is  displayed, with the video shown to the right of Albums. You can select any song from the list and play it right there – no extra browsing required. Click Show all albums to see a complete list.


Once you’ve searched for an artist, the entire list of music by them is shown below the video. Songs are displayed with details such as Name, Video, Views, Preview, Artist and Price. The price for each song is given, and you can purchase it from iTunes.


AllSongsBy is a user-friendly web service that makes the whole music listening experience more interactive. It features a clear and clutter-free interface, which lets you enjoy the song or video and also makes navigating the site easier. AllSongsBy certainly deserves your attention if you are a music junkie. Visit the link below and give it a shot.

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