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Get Your Facebook News Feed In Google+ And Update Your Status

For every app or extension that Facebook blocks from migrating its data to Google+, about ten more seem to pop up. While Facebook is trying its very best to stop people from switching to Google+, people are coming up with more and more ways to use the site from it and with the invites open and working again, these attempts are bound to spike. Yesterday we covered using Facebook’s mobile upload email address to post updates from Google+, today, it’s Google+Facebook, an extension for Firefox and Chrome that lets you view your Facebook stream in Google+ and update your status from it.

Google Facebook

Install the extension, allow it to connect with your Facebook account and pull the required information and a Facebook button will be added next to the Home button in the Google+ interface. You can update your status (text updates only) by clicking on the What’s on your mind? field box. As of now, you can’t see status likes or post comments from Google+ but considering all this was possible so soon post Google+, it shouldn’t be too long before someone finds a way to add the functionality.

Install Google+Facebook For Chrome And Firefox (We have removed the link because according to the following Reddit thread, this extension is a security nightmare. We are looking forward to hearing from the developer before adding back the link)


  1. This should NOT BE INSTALLED, it has many security and privacy risks associated with it.


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