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How To Decode Shortened URLs To Original URLs

There are many services out there that let you shorten the URLs. Instead of sharing long URLs, you can share the shorter version. This comes really handy if you share links frequently on Twitter, FriendFeed, etc, but otherwise it can be quite a headache. With short URLs, you never know where the link might take you.

TinyURL Decoder is a GreaseMonkey script for Firefox that decodes the shortened URLs and shows the original URL instead. Don’t get confused by the name of the script, apart from decoding Tinyurl links it also decodes URLs from almost all other link shortner services. The complete list can be found on the developer’s script homepage.

To install this script, first make sure the Greasemonkey add-on for Firefox is installed. Now click Install when you see an installation dialog box as shown in the screenshot below.

greasemonkey tinyurl decoder script installation

Below is an example of what the URL looks like before and after decoding.


before decoding the url


After decoding url
