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Discover New Music Tinder-Style And Swipe Right On Tracks You Like [iOS]

Whether you’re an advocate of online dating or not, you have probably heard of Tinder. The app as a means to a successful relationship or an occasional hook-up may or may not be great but the way users interact with the app is certainly one that has gained popularity. Lots of apps mimic the swipe right and swipe left method to like or dislike content be it news or in the case of Choosic, music. Choosic is a free music discovery app for iOS that has you select your favorite genres of music and then plays tracks that belong to one of them. Swipe right if you like a song and it’s added to your playlist, swipe left if you don’t like a song and you will never hear it again.

Launch the app, sign in with Facebook, and then select at least three genres that you really like. It’s also at this time that you will discover female vocalist and Shoegaze is a genre but whatever. If you like a song swipe right or tap the little heart button to favorite it. It is automatically added to your playlist. If you don’t like a song, swipe left or tap the X button to dismiss it. Make sure you swipe the play/pause button.

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Open the app’s navigation panel to access settings where you can edit your genre selection and access your playlist.  A track, when playing can be shared to Facebook and viewed on Soundcloud.

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The only question that remains is how great are the suggestions. It depends on how open you are to music even in a specific genre. For me, and I’m probably on the conservative side liking only stuff that is already immensely popular, I couldn’t find a new artist that I wanted to check out in more detail. That said, it’s a free app so give it a go.

Install Choosic From The App Store

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