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How To Quickly Clear Icon Badges From Any Or All iPhone Apps

When you stop to think about it, a handful of tweaks like Activator, SBSettings, Springtomize, Infinyfolders and a few others cover the bulk of customization needs of many users, while most other tweaks strive to bring some small new features or modified versions of the functionality offered by these famous Cydia projects. In the past, there have been some pretty decent options for you to get rid of the icon badges from your SpringBoard, with a few tweaks going as far as concentrating on just a specific app’s badge, like the previously covered noOTA. Springtomize, in addition to its various other virtues, has the most convenient badge-removal options available for jailbreak users. However, it does cost money and if you want nothing more than hiding icon badges, the investment might not be worthwhile. Clear Badges offers the same functionality for free, and even throws in an SBSettings toggle for those looking to remove all badges in one go.

Clear-Badges-iOS-Before_ Clear-Badges-iOS-After_ Clear Badges iOS SBSettings

Clear Badges allows users to remove badges from app icons in a way that isn’t complicated, and ensures that they won’t end up hiding the badges inadvertently. There is no need to configure anything to see the tweak in action after installation, since everything gets integrated into the jiggle mode OS. Just enter jiggle mode by long-pressing any app icon (not necessarily one with a badge) and then double-tap the desired icons to remove their badges. Simple, isn’t it?

If a lot of apps on your SpringBoard have badges and you are really bugged by this, Clear Badges offers an easy way to remove all badges with a single touch. You need to have SBSettings installed in order to get this option, since the tweak adds a toggle of its own to SBSettings for mass-removal of badges. Just tap the newly added ‘X-Badges’ toggle whenever you want to cleanse your screen of all badges.

Like most tweaks of this type, Clear Badges only hides the annoying red markers. The badges return whenever you re-launch the app (in the case of App Store or Cydia) or when a new notification arrives. This is a positive feature of the tweak, since most people don’t want to permanently disable badges for any app.

Clear Badges does not have a Settings menu or SpringBoard icon of its own, and the SBSettings toggle has to be enabled manually from the app’s own option list. The tweak is available as a free download, and works with both iOS 5 and iOS 6.