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Reset Network Settings on iPhone to Fix Several Problems

Reset Network Settings on iPhone to Fix Several Problems

Our lives rely on a solid internet connection, and network difficulties severely impact dealing with everyday tasks.

But unfortunately, when dealing with connectivity issues, many factors are in play, making it harder to identify and fix them.

So how can I fix my Wi-Fi not connecting? Can I work around my cellular data problems without professional assistance?

Of course, you can! Apple provides a built-in option to reset Network Settings on iPhone and restore default network configurations.

The following article examines the method and offers simple instructions on performing a network reset on your device.

What happens when you reset Network Settings?

The reset feature effectively removes all network-related data stored on your device to clear possible misconfigurations.

Doing so sets your internet settings back to when you first activated your device, giving you a clean slate to start from.

That involves deleting Wi-Fi passwords, VPN profiles, Bluetooth connections, and all cellular preferences you’ve set.

But don’t worry. The reset feature doesn’t remove critical data like your installed apps, media content, and personal files.

When should you reset Network Settings?

You should reset Network Settings when unexpected network glitches are bugging you all the time. Don’t hesitate to do so if:

  • You can’t find or connect to your Wi-Fi network.
  • Your phone’s Wi-Fi keeps getting disabled and enabled automatically.
  • The router works fine, but sometimes you lose the internet connection and Wi-Fi connection.
  • You constantly lose Bluetooth connections and face random errors.
  • You don’t have any signals and can’t receive or make calls.
  • You face challenges connecting to your desired VPN server.
  • VPN settings keep changing.

Resetting the Network Settings of your iPhone can eliminate such conflicts and returns your device to its normal state.

How to Reset Network Settings on iPhone

Although network-related fixes often require advanced technical understanding, you can conveniently reset Network Settings hassle-free.

Follow the steps below to reset iPhone’s Network Settings:

  1. Find and tap Settings on your device.

How to Reset Network Settings on iPhone

  1. Navigate to the General section of your iPhone settings.

Reset Network Settings on iPhone to Fix Several Problems

  1. Scroll to the bottom and enter Transfer or Reset iPhone.

Reset Network Settings on iPhone to Fix Several Problems

  1. Select Reset from the two choices you have.

Reset Network Settings on iPhone to Fix Several Problems

  1. Then tap Reset Network Settings.

Reset Network Settings on iPhone to Fix Several Problems

  1. Enter your device’s passcode to confirm the process.

Reset Network Settings on iPhone to Fix Several Problems

Good job! Your device now shuts down to reset the Network Settings, including the Wi-Fi network, cellular settings, etc.

Re-establishing connections after a Network Reset

Once your iPhone boots, all your previous network preferences are gone, and you should start re-establishing your previous connections.

Read the following paragraphs to learn how to do so and start using your iPhone as soon as possible.

1. Connect to your Wi-Fi network

After resetting your iPhone’s network connection, you lose your Wi-Fi passwords. To reconnect, you will need to tap on your Wi-Fi networks one by one and enter their passwords to regain access.

Follow these steps to connect to a Wi-Fi network on your iPhone:

  1. First, tap the Settings app on your device.

Reset Network Settings on iPhone to Fix Several Problems

  1. Go to the WLAN (or Wi-Fi) section of your settings.

Reset Network Settings on iPhone to Fix Several Problems

  1. Turn on the toggle next to WLAN (or Wi-Fi).

Reset Network Settings on iPhone to Fix Several Problems

  1. Pick the desired network from the list.

Reset Network Settings on iPhone to Fix Several Problems

  1. Enter the password when prompted and select Join.

Reset Network Settings on iPhone to Fix Several Problems

2. Establish your Bluetooth connections

When you reset the network preferences, you lose access to the saved Bluetooth connections.

Follow these steps to re-establish your Bluetooth connection:

  1. Find and open the Settings app on your device.

Reset Network Settings on iPhone to Fix Several Problems

  1. Go to the Bluetooth section of your iPhone’s settings.

Reset Network Settings on iPhone to Fix Several Problems

  1. Turn on the toggle next to Bluetooth.

Reset Network Settings on iPhone to Fix Several Problems

  1. Pick the desired device from the list and wait for the device to establish a connection.

Reset Network Settings on iPhone to Fix Several Problems

3. Configure your VPN service

Finally, head to your VPN app (Surfshark, in this case) and reconfigure the settings.

Follow the steps below to connect to Surfshark on iPhone:

  1. Find and open Surfshark on your device.

Reset Network Settings on iPhone to Fix Several Problems

  1. Tap Quick-connect and connect to the fastest server.

Reset Network Settings on iPhone to Fix Several Problems

  1. Click Continue when the prompt appears.

Reset Network Settings on iPhone to Fix Several Problems

  1. Select Allow to add the VPN profile

Reset Network Settings on iPhone to Fix Several Problems

  1. Confirm the process by entering your device’s passcode.

Reset Network Settings on iPhone to Fix Several Problems

How to avoid resetting your iPhone’s Network Settings and fix the common issues?

Although resetting your iPhone’s Network Settings is easy, users often prefer not to lose their Wi-Fi passwords and other network data. In that case, here’s a list of alternative approaches before you reset Network Settings on your device:

1. Restart your iPhone

iPhones use a highly optimized operating system; however, like any other gadget it might run into glitches that can be fixed by a reboot. Doing so stops all applications running in the background, reduces battery drain, enhances overall performance, and resolves software conflicts.

2. Turn Airplane Mode on/off

Turning the Airplane Mode on and off forces your device to disconnect from all the networks (Wi-Fi, cellular network, and Bluetooth).

So, the device attempts to eliminate temporary glitches in these areas as it reconnects to them.

3. Forget your Wi-Fi network

In case you’re exclusively facing issues with your Wi-Fi, try forgetting the network and reconnecting to it.

Doing so helps resolve any misconfigurations accidentally set in the Wi-Fi settings and allows your device to behave normally.

Wrap up

Network difficulties can ruin your day and interrupt everything you rely on your device to do for you.

Additionally, resolving internet conflicts requires advanced expertise, forcing you to contact professional assistance.

However, the Reset Network Settings iPhone hack saves you all the trouble and hopefully resolves possible connectivity issues.

Finally, if you still face any issues after resetting your Network Settings, consider contacting Apple’s support line.


What happens when resetting Network Settings doesn’t work?

If you’ve tried every possible approach to fix the network difficulties on your iPhone and nothing works, you may need to perform a factory reset. It removes all the data from your device and restores your iPhone’s initial state where there were no network glitches or software conflicts.

What will I lose if I reset Network Settings?

It’s essential to understand that performing the Reset Network Settings method on an iPhone doesn’t remove sensitive data from your device. It merely clears out Wi-Fi passwords, VPN profiles, saved Bluetooth connections, and other network preferences you may have set.

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