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How To Unblock A Number On Android Phones

How To Unblock A Number On Android Phones

Unblocking previously blocked numbers on android phones is easy and should only take you seconds. There are multiple ways to access blocked contacts, which is the way to access and update these types of accounts. We’ll walk you through all the steps and options and you’ll be back to getting messages and calls from that person in no time.

On the other side of the coin, you may find you’re blocking more calls from unknown numbers than ever. Here are some tips on how to stop unwanted phone calls and texts. These days, they’re out of control.

Multiple methods to unblock a phone number

Close up of android

The first step in any of these methods is to access the number’s contact information. Here are all the different ways to get you there through your various applications. Speaking of apps, here’s how to hide apps on your android phone.

Unblocking blocked numbers through the android phone app

Circled phone app

  1. Once you find the phone app, tap the icon on your home screen
    Circled three dots on screen
  2. You’ll see it most likely brings up your keypad. On the upper right corner is a three dot icon to give you more options. Tap that.
    Circled android settings
  3. A few different options will appear. You’ll want to tap settings.
    Call settings menu
  4. You’ll find yourself in the “call settings” menu now. Tap the “block numbers” menu option.
    List of blocked numbers
  5. Now you’re in the “block numbers” menu. You’ll also see “recents, messages, and contacts.” Below this is a blocked list of contact information. Scroll down and tap the account you want to unblock, on the right side, next to the number. Depending on the model of android smartphone, you may see a red minus symbol.
    Receive calls pop up
  6. You should get a confirmation message at the bottom of the screen that says, “you can now receive calls and messages from this number.”

Unblock a number from your contacts

Finding the number you want to unblock is very easy through your contacts list. Here’s how:

Circled contacts icon

  1. Find and open your Contacts app.
  2. Select and tap on the contact or number you want to unblock.
    Circled three dots
  3. Tap “More” with the three dot icon.
    Circled unblock contact
  4. This will pop open a box with several options. You will want to tap “unblock contact.”

Find your block list through your messages app

Circled messages app

  1. Go to your messages app icon on your home screen.
  2. Find the three vertical dots on the top right corner and tap them to open up more menu options.
    Circled spam and blocked
  3. From there, scroll down to “spam and blocked.”
  4. Tap on the blocked message (and consequently the contact), that you want to unblock
  5. A pop up box with an unblock option will appear. Select unblock.

Note* Using the messages app will only show contacts that you blocked via this text app. There may be more blocked contacts, which you can access through your contacts or phone app. These have instructions that were already covered in this article so see above steps if you need these.

FAQS when dealing with a blocked number on android

Here’s some additional info for FAQS you might have about what happens when you unblock a number. This data holds true for most android phones as well as other smart devices, like your iPhone. When you block or unblock a phone number, the settings and phone app tends to work similarly, regardless of the model of your phone.

Will a blocked contact show in my call history?

No. For most android smartphones, the blocked call or text won’t even show up on your history. If you decide to block a person’s phone, be sure those unwanted calls are actually unwanted. Otherwise, you won’t be seeing them. That said, you can always unblock the number with any of the steps above if you change your mind.

Will a contact know I unblocked them?

There is no alert for blocked phone numbers to know that you have them on your naughty list. Their only clue will be that when they try to call you it doesn’t ring, but rather goes straight to voicemail or just stays with a busy signal. They also won’t get a delivered notice on their text messages, since you won’t be receiving them. If these previously blocked contacts keep trying to reach you and suddenly can, they’ll likely figure out that you unblocked them.

Can I contact blocked phone numbers without unblocking them?

Yes. The block doesn’t go both ways. If you wish, you can use your android device to send text messages or contact someone else’s phone, even if they’re a blocked number for you.

How does caller I.D. and spam protection affect unblocked numbers?

If you unblock the number and they still can’t get through to you, it may have something to do with the Google phone app for spam protection which is built into your android phone. By default, this filter is often turned on already. You may need to go into the menu options and make some adjustments in case your contact is somehow on android’s block list when it shouldn’t be. Read how with the below mentioned steps:  

  1. Find and open the phone app icon
  2. Tap the three dots on the upper right corner
  3. Tap settings
    Circled caller id and spam
  4. You’ll see an “assistive” section under settings where it says “caller I.D. & spam.”
    Circled filter spam button
  5. Once in this menu, you can toggle the “filter spam calls” option on and off as your needs require. By turning it off, you might just enable a newly unblocked phone number to get through, especially if it’s from a business or service as the filter can be overly sensitive towards these types of businesses.

Does it matter what kind of phone the number I’m unblocking has?

iPhone, Samsung phone, even an Asus Zenfone, will not make a difference when you’re blocking or unblocking a number. It all works similarly in that they won’t be able to text or call you when they’re blocked, and they’ll have these capabilities restored once you unblock a phone number.

If you’re changing the kind of phone you use, you may be interested in how to transfer contacts from android to your iPhone.

Are third-party apps helpful when managing access?

Yes! There are plenty of third party apps that are great for most android phones. You’ll be able to customize your block list, pre-screen numbers as they’re calling, use it as caller I.D., and even block calls based on things like area codes or if they’re known telemarketers. The nice thing is, with these types of tools, you can determine if you want to unblock the number based on the information provided to you. It’s easy to find the right phone app to help you manage your blocking needs, which can then be managed through your app drawer.  


Android phone close up

If you have blocked calls on your android phone and want to restore their access, it will only take seconds to do so. You can use the settings menu, open the phone app, the contacts app, even the messages app to unblock someone, however floats your boat. That said, the occasion to unblock numbers might be pretty rare, these days. Robocalls and phone scams are on the rise. Here’s an article all about the rise of phone fraud. Yikes. Luckily, putting someone on your blocked list is even easier than unblocking them. But what if you’re the blocked number on someone else’s phone? Without physical access to their phone, it’s tricky but if you’re desperate, here’s how to call someone who has blocked you. Just remember, be respectful of other people’s boundaries and privacy if you’re thinking of calling someone who has cut you off. They may have blocked you for a good reason and you don’t want to find yourself in hot water.

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