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5 best Grub2 bootloader themes to use on Linux

Lots of Linux users don’t know it, but the Grub2 bootloader can be customized. Just like every other aspect of the Linux platform, there are dozens of themes to look through, which means there’s something for everyone!

In this list, we’ll go over some of the best Grub2 bootloader themes you can get your hands on. Here are the 5 best Grub2 bootloader themes to use on Linux.

1. Vimix

The Vimix Grub2 theme is a Google-inspired bootloader theme for Linux. It’s based on “blur,” and is a great theme to go with, especially if you love the Vimix GTK theme and want something to match!

Install – Vimix

Activating the Vimix Grub theme starts out by heading to its Gnome-look page, selecting “Files” and downloading “grub-theme-vimix.tar.xz” to your Linux PC.

When the small “grub-theme-vimix.tar.xz” TarGZ file is done downloading, open up a terminal window and change the directory from the home folder (~) to “Downloads.”

cd ~/Downloads

Extract the “grub-theme-vimix.tar.xz” archive using the Tar command.

tar xvf grub-theme-vimix.tar.xz

Move into the grub-theme-vimix folder with CD, and run the installation script to get the Grub Vimix theme set up on Linux.

cd grub-theme-vimix
sudo sh install-vimix.sh

2. Fallout

Fallout is an attractive Grub theme and a unique theme at that. It takes inspiration from the Fallout video game series and mimics the look of the terminals the player can interact with while they play.

This theme might not be a good fit for everyone, but if you love the old school aesthetic of Fallout, this Grub2 theme is one to check out!

Install – Fallout

Getting the Fallout Grub theme set up is breathtakingly simple, as the developer has a quick command-line to run, and no download is required. To start the installation, open up a terminal window and paste the code in below.

 wget -P /tmp https://github.com/shvchk/fallout-grub-theme/raw/master/install.sh

 bash /tmp/install.sh

Alternatively, you can also install the Fallout Grub theme with a single command, rather than 2, if you don’t mind the security risk of running directly from the internet, instead of saving it first.

 wget -O - https://github.com/shvchk/fallout-grub-theme/raw/master/install.sh | bash

3. Solarized Dark

Solarized Dark is a magenta and blue-green theme. Like Vimix, it brings a flat, material-design to the bootloader. The design of the theme restructures Grub from a drab black screen to a classy setup with a great set of operating system icons.

Solarized Dark is an excellent take on Google’s Material Design for the Linux Grub bootloader. Users looking to modernize their setups should give it a go today.

Install – Solarized Dark

To get Solarized Dark ready to go on your Linux PC, go to the Gnome-look page for Solarized Dark, and click the “Files” link on the page. After that, locate the blue button next to “solarized-dark.zip” and select it to start the download.

With Solarized Dark done downloading to your Linux PC, use the CD command to move the terminal session from the home directory (~) to the “Downloads” folder.

cd ~/Downloads

Using the unzip command, extract “solarized-dark.zip.”

unzip solarized-dark.zip

Move the Solarized Dark folder into the Grub theme folder using mv.

sudo -s 
mkdir -p /boot/grub/themes/

mv /home/username/Downloads/solarized-dark/ /boot/grub/themes/

With Fedora/OpenSUSE:

sudo -s

mkdir -p /boot/grub2/themes/

mv /home/username/Downloads/solarized-dark/ /boot/grub2/themes/

Open the Grub configuration file in Nano using the command below.

nano -w /etc/default/grub

Paste the following code into the bottom of the Nano text editor.




4. Breeze

Those using the KDE Plasma desktop environment need to check out Breeze. It’s a complete re-write of the Grub boot screen to match the default KDE desktop theme.

The KDE desktop works fine with the standard Grub setup, but with the Breeze theme, your system will feel much more complete.

Install – Breeze

To get the Breeze Grub theme working on your Linux PC, start by going to its Gnome-look.org page. Then, once you’ve made it to the page, find “Files” and click on it to reveal the several downloadable files.

Look through the “Files” section on the Breeze page and download “grub2-theme-breeze-5.13.1.tar.gz” by clicking the blue download button. When the theme file is done downloading to your Linux PC, open up a terminal window and move the session from the home directory (~) and into the “Downloads” directory.

cd ~/Downloads

Using the tar command, extract the contents of “grub2-theme-breeze-5.13.1.tar.gz”.

tar xvf grub2-theme-breeze-5.13.1.tar.gz

Let the files extract. When the extraction process is done, use the CD command to move into the “grub2-theme-breeze-5.13.1/” directory.

cd grub2-theme-breeze-5.13.1/

From here, you’ll be able to quickly install the Breeze Grub theme onto your Linux PC with the included installation script using the command below.

sudo sh install.sh

5. Primitivistical

Primitivisitical is a minimal, black theme for Grub, with subtle grey fonts and selection menus. Overall, a very simple black theme with not much in the way of breathtaking design, or anything that stands out. Still, those that are looking for something simple, clean, and functional will surely love Primitivistical.

Install – Primitivistical

The installation of Primitivistical is quite easy, as the creator of the theme includes an easy to use installation script. To get your hands on the script, start by going to the Gnome-look page for Primitivistical.

Once on the theme’s Gnome-look page, find the “Files” link and click on it with the mouse, to reveal available download options. At that point, click the blue download button next to “primitivistical-grub-v0.2.tar.gz”.

After the download process is taken care of, open up a terminal window on your Linux PC and use the CD command to move into the “Downloads” folder.

cd ~/Downloads

Inside of the “Downloads” folder, use the tar command to extract the contents of “primitivistical-grub-v0.2.tar.gz”.

tar xvf primitivistical-grub-v0.2.tar.gz

Assuming the extraction process is successful, use the CD command to move into the new “primitivistical-grub-v0.2” folder.

cd primitivistical-grub-v0.2

Finally, install the Grub theme on your Linux PC with:

sudo sh Install.sh


In this list, we went over some creative, great looking Grub2 themes for Linux users to check out. What are your favorite Grub2 themes to use on Linux? Tell us in the comment section below!

1 Comment

  1. I run a console only version of Debian 11 – installed the Fallout theme and my Grub is still the same default Grub.. do I have to be running a window manager for this to work?

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