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How to play Brawlhalla on Linux

Brawlhalla is a free-to-play 2D fighting game. It was developed by Blue Mammoth Games, published by Ubisoft, and released on Nintendo Switch, Xbox One, PS4, and PC. In this guide, we’ll show you how to play it on Linux.

Brawlhalla on Linux

Brawlhalla is not native to the Linux platform, but you can play it on your Linux system anyway with the Steam Play feature’s help. However, to gain access to the Steam Play feature, you must install Steam for Linux.

Install Steam

To install the Steam for Linux client on your system, open up a terminal window on the Linux desktop. Then, with the terminal window open and ready to go, follow the Steam installation instructions that correspond with the distribution you currently use.


Steam is in the Ubuntu main software repository. If you’re using Ubuntu, you can quickly install it with the following Apt command.

sudo apt install steam


If you’re a Debian Linux user, it is possible to install Steam if the “Non-free” software repository is enabled. However, this repo isn’t easy to enable for beginner users, and it’s also tedious to do. A better way to install Steam on Debian is to download the DEB directly with the command below.

wget https://steamcdn-a.akamaihd.net/client/installer/steam.deb

Once the Steam DEB package is done downloading to your Linux PC, the installation can begin. Using the dpkg command, install the Steam app. However, understand that errors will occur on the screen while this happens. This is normal.

sudo dpkg -i steam.deb

With the Steam DEB package installed on Debian, you will need to correct the errors that appeared during the installation using the apt-get install -f command below.

sudo apt-get install -f

When the errors are corrected, Steam will be ready to use on Debian.

Arch Linux

On Arch Linux, Steam is available for installation on the “Multilib” software repository. To start the installation, ensure that “Multilib” is enabled in your Pacman.conf file. Then, enter the command below.

sudo pacman -S steam


If you’re using either Fedora or OpenSUSE, installing Steam can be quite tedious. To gain access to Steam on Fedora, you need to enable a third-party repo, and OpenSUSE isn’t that simple either. A much better way to go about it is to follow the Flatpak instructions instead.


Steam is available as a Flatpak, which is excellent news for those on Linux who can’t get Steam through traditional means. To start the installation of Steam, you must enable the Flatpak runtime on your computer.

After enabling the Flatpak runtime on your computer, you must add the Flathub app store to Flatpak. To do that, execute the following flatpak remote-add command in a terminal window.

flatpak remote-add --if-not-exists flathub https://flathub.org/repo/flathub.flatpakrepo

With the Flathub app store set up, the installation of Steam can begin. Using the command below, get the app working.

flatpak install flathub com.valvesoftware.Steam

Install Brawlhalla

Now that Steam is set up on your Linux PC, open up the app, log into your account, and follow the step-by-step instructions below to get Brawlhalla working.

Step 1: Click on the “Steam” menu in the Steam app. Once in the “Steam” menu, locate the “Settings” button, and click on it to load up Steam settings. Once inside of the Steam settings area, find “Steam Play” and click on it.

Inside of the “Steam Play” area, find “Enable Steam Play for supported titles” and “Enable Steam Play for all other titles” and check the boxes by them to enable this feature. Select the “OK” button to confirm changes.

Step 2: Find the “STORE” button in Steam, and click on it to access the Steam Storefront. Then, find the search box, and type in “Brawlhalla. Look through the search results for “Brawlhalla” and select it to go to the Brawlhalla store page.

Step 3: On the Brawlhalla store page, find the green “Play Game” button. By selecting this button, you will be telling Steam to download and install it on your computer. 

Using the on-screen prompts, tell Steam where to install the game. Keep in mind that you can also check out the downloadable DLC on the Brawlhalla store page directly under the “Play Brawlhalla” button.

 Step 4: After Brawlhalla has downloaded and installed to your Linux PC, find the “LIBRARY” button in Steam, and click on it to go to your game library. Once in your game library, locate “Brawlhalla and click on it to access its game page.

Step 5: On the Brawlhalla game page, find the green “PLAY” button, and click on it to start the game. After selecting “PLAY,” Steam will automatically configure Brawlhalla by installing several runtime tools. When the runtime tools are set up, the game will open and be ready to play. Enjoy!

1 Comment

  1. I wouldn’t have searched for it if it was this easy.. this tutorial is dumb, and my game is not even starting.