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How to configure Razer devices using RazerGenie

Thanks to the open-source community, Razer gaming peripherals have great support on Linux. In the past, we’ve talked about how to configure your devices using PolyChromatic. However, that app isn’t the only way to configure Razer devices on Linux.

Introducing RazerGenie, it’s an easy-to-use app that you can use to change everything on your Razer gaming device. In this guide, we’ll show you how to install it and set it up. Let’s get started!

Supported devices

OpenRazer, which powers RazerGenie (the slick UI that makes using OpenRazer much easier), supports a whole lot of devices. If you’re trying to configure your Razer device but unsure if it’s supported, please check the following link, and you’ll be able to confirm if your Razer keyboard, mouse, headset, or other hardware will work with OpenRazer and, by extension, RazerGenie.

Install OpenRazer

The RazerGenie tool, much like PolyChromatic, requires the OpenRazer driver. OpenRazer provides a wide variety of drivers for Linux users for a whole lot of Razer keyboards, mice, and even headsets. You will not be able to take advantage of RazerGenie without it.

OpenRazer is well supported on Linux. Everywhere from Ubuntu to Fedora and Arch Linux have support. In this section of the guide, we will go over how to install OpenRazer and configure it. To start the installation process, launch a terminal window by pressing Ctrl + Alt + T or Ctrl + Shift + T on the keyboard. Then, follow the command-line installation instructions below that corresponds with the Linux OS you currently use.


On Ubuntu Linux (as well as Linux Mint and Elementary OS), you will need to set up OpenRazer via a PPA. To enable the PPA, you must first install the “software-properties-gtk” package. This package will add PPA support to your Ubuntu, Linux Mint, or ElementaryOS operating system.

sudo apt install software-properties-gtk

With the package set up, use the add-apt-repository command to add the OpenRazer stable PPA to the system.

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:openrazer/stable

Now that the PPA is set up and enabled, the next step is to update Ubuntu’s software sources. To do that, run the update command.

sudo apt update

With the software sources up to date, install the OpenRazer package.

sudo apt install openrazer-meta


On Debian, there isn’t a PPA. There is, however, an OBS repo provided by the developer. To add it, launch a terminal and use the echo command to add the repo to your sources file.

echo 'deb https://download.opensuse.org/repositories/hardware:/razer/Debian_10/ /' | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/hardware:razer.list

Once the software repository is added to your Debian source file, it is time to download the key file using the curl command.

curl -fsSL https://download.opensuse.org/repositories/hardware:razer/Debian_10/Release.key | gpg --dearmor | sudo tee /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/hardware:razer.gpg > /dev/null

With both the key and the repo file added to your Debian system, run the update command to refresh your software sources. Then, install OpenRazer on your computer.

sudo apt install openrazer-meta

Arch Linux

On Arch Linux, you will need to get OpenRazer via the Arch Linux AUR. Point your favorite AUR helper at the openrazer-meta-package to get it working.


Fedora requires packages from the OpenSUSE Build Service. To start, install the Kernel development package on your computer using dnf.

Note: if you are not using Fedora 32, change the repo command with one on this page.

sudo dnf install kernel-devel

Next, add the repo to the system.

sudo dnf config-manager --add-repo https://download.opensuse.org/repositories/hardware:razer/Fedora_32/hardware:razer.repo

Finally, install the program.

dnf install openrazer-meta


Those on OpenSUSE can get OpenRazer by heading to the OBS, and selecting their release.

When OpenRazer is set up on your system, use the gpassword command to add your user to the “plugdev” group. Your user must be in the plugdev group.

sudo gpasswd -a $USER plugdev

After adding your PC to Plugdev, you must reboot to finish the process.

Install RazerGenie

There are many, many ways of installing RazerGenie on Linux. However, to save time, we’ll only cover setting up the Flatpak version of the app. To get the app working, open up a terminal, and enter the following commands.

Note: if you do not want to use RazerGenie with Flatpak, go to the official website for other ways of installing the app.

flatpak remote-add --if-not-exists flathub https://flathub.org/repo/flathub.flatpakrepo
flatpak install flathub xyz.z3ntu.razergenie

Using RazerGenie to configure your Razer devices

Launch RazerGenie on the desktop. Then, when the app is open, look to the sidebar on the left for the device you wish to configure, and click on it to reveal configuration options.

To change the lighting of the device, look for the “Lighting” section. Then, use the menus to customize the lighting profile for the device. Then, find the “Brightness” section, and select it to configure the level of brightness for the device.

If you are using a mouse, there will be additional configuration options aside from just “lighting.” To change your mouse’s DPI, look for “DPI.” To change the mouse’s polling rate, look for the “Polling” rate section. When you’ve finished customizing your Razer devices, the settings should automatically apply and be active.

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