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How to get GOG Galaxy working on Linux

Do you own games on GOG.com? Want to get the GOG Galaxy client set up on your Linux PC to enjoy some video games? Follow along with this guide as we show you how to get GOG Galaxy working on Linux!

Method 1 – Minigalaxy

Minigalaxy is a native Linux app that allows Linux users to access and play their GOG.com library. It does not have the same features as the Windows GOG app, but it does the job.

To get Minigalaxy on your Linux PC, open up a terminal window and follow the command-line installation instructions down below.


To install Minigalaxy on Ubuntu or Debian, you must download the DEB package. To get your hands on the DEB, use the following wget command.

wget https://github.com/sharkwouter/minigalaxy/releases/download/0.9.4/minigalaxy_0.9.4_all.deb

After downloading the DEB package, use the Apt command below to install Minigalaxy on Ubuntu or Debian.

sudo apt install ./minigalaxy_0.9.4_all.deb

Arch Linux

Minigalaxy is available in the Arch Linux AUR. To install it, open up a terminal window, and enter the commands below.

sudo pacman -S base-devel git
git clone https://aur.archlinux.org/trizen.git
cd trizen

makepkg -sri 

trizen -S minigalaxy


The Minigalaxy app is available in the official Fedora Linux repositories. To install the app, enter the following dnf install command below.

sudo dnf install minigalaxy


Minigalaxy is available to all OpenSUSE Linux users via the “Games” repo. To install it, enter the following commands.

sudo zypper ar -f obs://games:tools gamestools
sudo zypper ref
sudo zypper in minigalaxy


Minigalaxy is available as a Flatpak. To install it, ensure you have the Flatpak runtime enabled. Then, enter the commands below.

flatpak remote-add --if-not-exists flathub https://flathub.org/repo/flathub.flatpakrepo

flatpak install flathub io.github.sharkwouter.Minigalaxy

Once the Minigalaxy app is set up on your Linux PC, open up your app menu, click on “Games” and launch Minigalaxy. Or, search for “Minigalaxy.” When the app is open, enter your GOG.com username and password.

When you log in, you’ll be greeted with your GOG.com game library. Enjoy!

Method 2 – Snap package

Another way to get the GOG Galaxy client working on Linux is by installing the unofficial Snap package. Why? The creator of the GOG Galaxy Snap does a good job setting up a perfectly tweaked environment in which the app will run.

To get the GOG Galaxy Snap, you must be using a Linux operating system that supports the Snap package format. Snaps run on a wide variety of operating systems, like Ubuntu, Fedora, OpenSUSE, Arch Linux, Gentoo, and many more. To set up Snap packages on your Linux OS, please follow this tutorial.

Once you’ve gotten Snap packages up and running on your Linux PC, open up a terminal window and use the snap install command below to install the GOG Galaxy unofficial Snap package on your Linux PC.

sudo snap install gog-galaxy-wine

When the GOG Galaxy Snap is installed on your Linux PC, open up your app menu, search for “GOG Galaxy” in the “Games” section of the app menu, and click on it to launch the app.

After you’ve launched the GOG Galaxy app, it will show you a progress bar that says “Preparing Windows environment.” Sit back and be patient. When the process is complete, you’ll see GOG Galaxy. Find the “Login” button, and access your GOG.com games!

Method 3 – Wine

If Minigalaxy and the GOG Galaxy Snap aren’t working, a third way to get GOG Galaxy working on Linux is to just download the GOG Galaxy EXE and install it with Wine.

To start the installation of GOG Galaxy in Wine, you must install the latest Wine. To get the latest Wine, click on this link here. Once Wine is installed, run the following wget command.

Note: running GOG Galaxy via Wine is unstable, and may not work for everyone. Be sure to report any crashes or issues to WineHQ.org.

wget https://archive.org/download/gog-galaxy/gog-galaxy.exe

Once you’ve downloaded the GOG Galaxy EXE to your Linux PC, use the wine command below to start up the installation process.

wine gog-galaxy.exe

Upon executing the wine command, the GOG Galaxy installer will begin downloading everything it needs to set up the program. Sit back and be patient. When the download is complete, you’ll see a “Welcome to the GOG GALAXY Setup Wizard.” Click on the “Next” button to move to the next page.

Past the welcome screen, you will be asked to accept the GOG Galaxy license agreement. Select “I accept” and click “Next” to move on.

On the page following the license agreement, you’ll be asked to create a desktop shortcut. Check the box to create the shortcut. Then, click next to install the app to Wine.

When the GOG Galaxy installer is done, click the “Finish” button. Upon clicking the “Finish” button, the GOG Galaxy login window will appear. Enter your user details to enjoy your favorite GOG.com games!

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