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How to Install Discord on Kali Linux

Discord is quickly becoming one of the main ways computer users communicate. It’s easy to see why with its ease of use and multiplatform support. If you’re a Kali Linux user and need to get the latest Discord to communicate with colleges, we can help. Here’s how to install Discord on Kali Linux.

How to install Discord on Kali Linux – Debian package

If you need to use Discord on your Kali Linux installation, the best way to install it is with the downloadable DEB package available on the Discord website. To get your hands on this package, open up a terminal window.

You can launch a terminal on the Kali Linux desktop by clicking on the panel’s terminal icon (it is next to Firefox). Alternatively, you can press Ctrl + Alt + T on the keyboard to open up a terminal.

With the terminal window open, use the wget download command to grab the latest version of Discord for your Kali Linux desktop.

wget https://discord.com/api/download?platform=linux&format=deb -O discord.deb

With the “discord.deb” package done downloading to your computer, you can install it. Using the apt install command, install the package.

sudo apt install ./discord.deb

When you enter the command above, Kali Linux will ask you to enter the password. If you use the default “kali” user, the default password to install packages is “kali.” Alternatively, if you’ve changed the password for the “kali” user, enter that password. Or, if you’re on a different user account, enter the password.

Once the password is entered, Kali Linux will attempt to collect all dependencies required to run Discord on Kali. If you see any errors, quit the installation (by pressing Ctrl + Z), update Kali, and try again.

When Kali Linux has collected all of the dependencies required to install Discord, it will ask you if you wish to continue. Press the Y key to confirm you want to install Discord on your Kali Linux computer.

How to install Discord on Kali Linux – Flatpak


While the DEB package is a great way to get Discord working on Kali Linux, it isn’t the only way to install it. You can also install Discord as a Flatpak. Some swear by this method, as Flatpak is sandboxed and considered pretty secure (although there are problems).

To use Discord as a Flatpak on Kali Linux, the Flatpak runtime must be set up. To start, open up a terminal window. You can open up a terminal window on Kali by pressing Ctrl + Alt + T or by clicking on the terminal icon in the top bar.

Once the terminal window is open, use the apt install command to set up the “flatpak” package.

sudo apt install flatpak

When you enter the command above, Kali Linux will ask you for a password. If you haven’t changed the default password for the “kali” user, enter “kali.” Alternatively, if you’ve created your own user account, enter the password for it.

After you enter your password, Kali Linux will collect all Flatpak dependencies. Then, it’ll ask you to press Y to confirm you wish to install. Press Y to continue.

With the Flatpak runtime set up on Kali Linux, use the flatpak remote-add command to add the Flathub app store to the system.

flatpak remote-add --if-not-exists flathub https://flathub.org/repo/flathub.flatpakrepo

With the Flathub app store added, you can install the Discord app in Kali Linux by entering the following command.

flatpak install flathub com.discordapp.Discord

How to install Discord on Kali Linux Snap package

A third way to install Discord on Kali Linux is with Snap packages. Much like Flatpak, they are sandboxed, so they offer some security. However, before installing Discord as a Snap, you’ll have to enable the runtime on Kali Linux.

You must install the “snapd” package to enable the Snap runtime. Run the command below to install the package.

sudo apt install snapd

Once you enter the command above, Kali Linux will ask for a password. If you use the default “kali” user account, enter the default password “kali.” Alternatively, if you use a different user account, enter its password.

When you’ve entered your password, Kali will ask you to press Y to confirm you wish to install “snapd.” Press Y to confirm.

Next, you must open up the /etc/environment file (as root).

sudo nano -w /etc/environment

Find the code below:


And change it, so it looks like this:


When done editing, you can close the editor. Press Ctrl + O to save and Ctrl + X to exit the Nano editor. Reboot Kali when you’ve finished the edits to enable Snap in your path. Then, with the path enabled, you must enable these systemd services on Kali.

sudo systemctl enable --now snapd.seeded.service

sudo systemctl enable --now snapd.apparmor.service

sudo systemctl enable --now snapd.recovery-chooser-trigger.service 

sudo systemctl enable --now snapd.service

sudo systemctl enable --now snapd.socket

With all systemd services enabled, you can install the Discord application on your Kali Linux machine with the following snap install command.

sudo snap install discord

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