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How to install ANGRYsearch on Linux

ANGRYsearch is a quick desktop search application that lets users instantly locate files and folders on the Linux desktop. The program is highly configurable (thanks to its extensive configuration file), and is considered the best alternative to Fsearch, a search application we’ve covered on Addictivetips in the past. In this guide, we’ll show you how you can install ANGRYsearch on Linux.

Install on Arch Linux via AUR

If you’re an Arch Linux user, you’ll be able to get your hands on ANGRYsearch through the Arch Linux User Repository. To interact with the AUR on Arch Linux, you’ll need a few packages. Specifically, you’ll need to install Git and Base-devel. To get these packages, open up a terminal window and enter the Pacman package command below.

sudo pacman -S git base-devel

With the Git and Base-devel packages set up on Arch Linux, it’ll now be possible to download the ANGRYsearch AUR package. To download, use the git clone command.

git clone https://aur.archlinux.org/angrysearch.git

Now that the ANGRYsearch AUR snapshot is done downloading to your computer use the CD command and move the terminal session into the “angrysearch” folder.

cd angrysearch

Inside of the “angrysearch” folder, run the pkgbuild command to generate and install the ANGRYsearch program on Arch Linux. Keep in mind that when you run this command, errors can happen. If you run into issues, be sure to check the official ANGRYsearch AUR page, and read the comments. It’s very likely that other users with similar problems can help you.

makepkg -sri

Install on Fedora Linux via RPM

Those on Fedora Linux don’t need to download and compile the ANGRYsearch source code to use it. Why? There are multiple Fedora RPM packages for the software on the OpenSUSE build service. It should be noted that as of writing this, there are only downloadable RPM packages for Fedora 28 and 29. That said, it’s expected that the packages will be updated with each new Fedora release in the future.

To install the RPM version of ANGRYsearch on Fedora Linux, open up a terminal and follow the step-by-step instructions below.

Step 1: Using the wget downloader tool, grab the latest ANGRYsearch RPM package on your computer.

wget https://download.opensuse.org/repositories/home:/KAMiKAZOW:/Fedora/Fedora_29/noarch/angrysearch-1.0.1-2.30.noarch.rpm -P ~/Downloads


wget https://download.opensuse.org/repositories/home:/KAMiKAZOW:/Fedora/Fedora_28/noarch/angrysearch-1.0.1-2.68.noarch.rpm -P ~/Downloads

Step 2: Move the terminal session from your home directory (~/) to ~/Downloads by executing the following CD command.

cd ~/Downloads

Step 3: Install ANGRYsearch to your Fedora Linux PC via the DNF package management program.

sudo dnf install angrysearch-*.noarch.rpm -y

Install on OpenSUSE via RPM

ANGRYsearch is on the OBS, so naturally, you’ll be able to install it on OpenSUSE quite easily. Currently, the versions of OpenSUSE that ANGRYsearch supports is LEAP 15.0, LEAP 42.3, and OpenSUSE Tumbleweed. To get it working, open up a terminal window and enter the commands below.

LEAP 15.0

wget https://download.opensuse.org/repositories/home:/woelfel/openSUSE_Leap_15.0/noarch/angrysearch-0.9.5-lp150.30.1.noarch.rpm
cd ~/Downloads

sudo zypper install angrysearch-0.9.5-lp150.30.1.noarch.rpm

LEAP 42.3

wget https://download.opensuse.org/repositories/home:/woelfel/openSUSE_Leap_42.3/noarch/angrysearch-0.9.5-30.1.noarch.rpm

cd ~/Downloads

sudo zypper install angrysearch-0.9.5-30.1.noarch.rpm


wget https://download.opensuse.org/repositories/home:/alanbortu:/angrysearch/openSUSE_Tumbleweed/noarch/angrysearch-0.9.5-29.14.noarch.rpm -P ~/Downloads

cd ~/Downloads

sudo zypper install angrysearch-0.9.5-29.14.noarch.rpm

Alternatively, if you’re not a fan of installing ANGRYsearch from the command-line in OpenSUSE, head over to the app’s OBS page. Once there, look for the “1-click” install button and select it to start the GUI installer.

Source code instructions (Ubuntu, Debian, and others)

While it’s excellent that distributions like Arch Linux, Fedora, and OpenSUSE are supported by ANGRYsearch, it’s not the case for all distributions. If you want to use ANGRYsearch on Linux OSes like Ubuntu, Debian, and others, building the program from source is required.

Before we get started in building ANGRYsearch from the source code, you’ll need to install the dependencies. In this section, we’ll cover how to install the dependencies on both Ubuntu and Debian. However, those that use a lesser-known Linux distribution will need to figure out the dependencies they need on their own.

Ubuntu dependencies

sudo apt install python3-pyqt5 xdg-utils git

Debian dependencies

sudo apt-get install python3-pyqt5 xdg-utils git

With the ANGRYsearch dependencies taken care of, it’s safe to download the latest release of the source code from the developers GitHub page with the git clone command.

Note: if you dislike using Git, you can get a recent version of the source code on the developer’s release page.

git clone https://github.com/DoTheEvo/ANGRYsearch.git

When the git clone command finishes running, use the CD command and move your terminal session from the home directory (~/) to the new “ANGRYsearch” code folder.

cd ANGRYsearch

In the ANGRYsearch Git folder, there are dozens of files. Disregard them, as the only file to worry about is the “install.sh” file.

Run the “install.sh” script with:

sudo ./install.sh


sudo bash install.sh

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