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How to install Entangle on Linux

Entangle is an open-source application that allows users on Linux to take tethered DLSR snapshots from the Linux desktop. If you’re an avid photographer looking for an excellent app to take tethered shots on Linux, follow along with this guide and learn how to install Entangle on Linux.

Ubuntu installation instructions

On Ubuntu, the Entangle application is straightforward to set up, as it’s in the primary software sources for the operating system. However, Entangle is in the “Universe” repository, and not every Ubuntu installation has “Universe” enabled out of the box. So, we must demonstrate how to set up the “Universe” repository before continuing.

To set up the Ubuntu “Universe” software repository on your Linux PC, start by opening up a terminal window on the desktop. You can open up a terminal window with Ctrl + Alt + T or Ctrl + Shift + T on the keyboard. Then, with the terminal window open, make use of the add-apt-repository command to add the repo.

sudo add-apt-repository universe

Once the “Universe” repository is added to your Ubuntu Apt configuration, you will need to run the update command. Running the update command will refresh all of the software sources on Ubuntu. It will configure the “Universe” repository so you can use it to install Entangle.

sudo apt update

When Ubuntu is entirely up to date, you’ll be able to install the latest Entangle release on your computer using the apt install command below.

sudo apt install entangle

Debian installation instructions

Entangle is an open-source piece of software. Due to this fact, it is available for installation on Debian in the “Main” software repository. To install the app on your Debian Linux PC, start by opening up a terminal window on the desktop. You can launch a terminal with Ctrl + Alt + T or Ctrl + Shift + T on the keyboard. When the terminal window is open, make use of the apt-get install command below to get Entangle set up.

sudo apt-get install entangle

It should be known that Debian Linux’s software is significantly out of date compared to other Linux operating systems. Not to say that Entangle will run horribly on Debian. It’ll work just fine. However, due to how slow software updates are on Debian (due to stability purposes), you may be missing out on new features.

If new features are critical to you, consider following our guide to set up Debian Backports. It’s a project that ports more modern packages to older releases of Debian. Alternatively, follow the Flatpak installation instructions for Entangle, as they’ll likely be more up-to-date then the Debian Linux version and offer newer features.

Arch Linux installation instructions

The Entangle application is not available to Arch Linux and Manjaro Linux users via traditional means. Instead, if you want to use this program, you will need to install it via the Arch Linux AUR. To start the installation process, open up a terminal window. Then, use the Pacman command below to install both the “Git” and “Base-devel” packages.

sudo pacman -S git base-devel

Once the two packages are set up on your Linux PC, it is time to install the Trizen AUR helper. Trizen is a tool that will automate the installation of Entangle so that you do not have to manually set up dependencies and collect all of the components to use the program by hand.

To start the installation of Trizen, clone the snapshot from the AUR with git clone. Then, install the app with makepkg.

Note: if the AUR release of Entangle does not work for you, the Flatpak version is also installable on both Arch Linux and Manjaro.

git clone https://aur.archlinux.org/trizen.git

cd trizen
makepkg -sri

When the Trizen app is set up, you can quickly install Entangle on your Arch or Manjaro system with trizen -S.

trizen -S entangle

Fedora installation instructions

The Entangle application is available to all Fedora Linux users in the primary software repository. To install this app on Fedora Linux, open up a terminal window by pressing Ctrl + Alt + T or Ctrl + Shift + T on the keyboard. Then, once the keyboard is open, use the dnf install command below to install Entangle on your computer.

sudo dnf install entangle

OpenSUSE installation instructions

The Entangle application is available for OpenSUSE 15.1 and 15.2 users as well as Tumbleweed users via the OpenSUSE Oss software repository. To install the app, ensure that you have OpenSUSE Oss enabled (it should be turned on automatically). Then, enter the following Zypper command below in a terminal window.

sudo zypper install entangle

Flatpak installation instructions

Entangle is available as a Flatpak, and if you do not use a mainstream Linux operating system, it may be the best way to set up the app. To start the installation, ensure that you have the Flatpak runtime set up on your computer. To set up the Flatpak runtime, please follow our guide on the subject.

When the Flatpak runtime is working on your Linux PC, enter the two commands below to get the latest release of Entangle installed on your Linux computer via Flatpak.

flatpak remote-add --if-not-exists flathub https://flathub.org/repo/flathub.flatpakrepo

flatpak install flathub org.entangle_photo.Manager

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