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How To Install The Fade In Screenwriting Software on Linux

Those in search of a proper screenwriting application on the Linux platform ought to give Fade In a go. It’s a professional, quick to set up and easy to use program that makes writing scripts for films a breeze.

Fade In has both a Pro version and a limited, free version that users can install and use under Linux.  To learn how to get the Fade In screenwriting software working on your Linux PC, open up a terminal window and follow along with the instructions that match your operating system!


Ubuntu, Debian, and Linux operating systems that use it as a base are the primary target for the Fade In screenwriting software, and a package is available for downloading. To install the software, open up a terminal window. In the terminal, use the wget downloading tool.

Note: Debian users may need to replace the apt command with apt-get.

For the 64-bit version of Fade In, use this command.

wget https://www.fadeinpro.com/download/demo/fadein-linux-amd64-demo.deb

Alternatively, Debian/Ubuntu users on 32-bit machines can grab the i386 package with this command.

wget https://www.fadeinpro.com/download/demo/fadein-linux-i386-demo.deb

Now that you’ve got the Fade In DEB package on your Linux PC start the installation process by invoking the dpkg command.

sudo dpkg -i fadein-linux-amd64-demo.deb

To install the 32-bit package, run:

sudo dpkg -i fadein-linux-i386-demo.deb

After the Fade In DEB package finishes loading onto your Linux PC with the dpkg command, some dependency errors will arise. These errors are normal. They are easily fixable with the apt command.

sudo apt install -f

When the apt command finishes running, Fade In is done installing and is ready to use.

Arch Linux

Fade In works on Arch Linux, though there’s no official package available for it. Those looking to install this software will need to resort to the AUR package.

Before installing Fade In on Arch, you’ll need to meet a few dependencies. Specifically, you’ll need Base-devel and Git. Without these two packages, you cannot interact with the AUR. To install, open up a  terminal and run the command below.

sudo pacman -S base-devel git

With the AUR dependencies taken care of, use the git command to grab the latest Fade In AUR snapshot.

git clone https://aur.archlinux.org/fadein.git

CD into the fadein code folder.

cd fadein

To compile Fade In, execute the makepkg command. Keep in mind that when building AUR packages, the dependencies won’t always install. If this happens to you during the Fadein build, refer to the Fadein AUR page.

makepkg -si


Fedora, OpenSUSE and other RedHat-based Linux distributions are supported by Fade In thanks to a downloadable RPM package on the website. To install it on your operating system, open up a terminal only and use the wget tool to download it to your computer.

wget https://www.fadeinpro.com/download/demo/fadein-linux-amd64-demo.rpm

Those on 32-bit versions of Fedora or OpenSUSE will need to use a different download command.

wget https://www.fadeinpro.com/download/demo/fadein-linux-i386-demo.rpm

The Fade In RPM package is done downloading, so the installation process can begin.


sudo dnf install fadein-linux-amd64-demo.rpm -y

For the 32-bit version, do:

sudo dnf install fadein-linux-i386-demo.rpm -y


sudo zypper install fadein-linux-amd64-demo.rpm


sudo zypper install fadein-linux-i386-demo.rpm

Generic Linux Instructions

Faade In works on most Linux distributions, thanks to the downloadable TarGZ archive. No compilation is required. To install it, open up a terminal and grab the file with the wget command.

wget https://www.fadeinpro.com/download/demo/fadein-linux-amd64-demo.tar.gz

To get the 32-bit version, try this command instead.

wget https://www.fadeinpro.com/download/demo/fadein-linux-i386-demo.tar.gz

Extract the Fade In TarGZ archive using the tar command.

tar -xvzf fadein-linux-amd64-demo.tar.gz


tar -xvzf fadein-linux-i386-demo.tar.gz

Once the Fadein TarGZ finishes extracting, use the CD command to enter the fadein-linux-amd64-3.0.59 folder.

cd ~/fadein-linux-amd64-3.0.59


cd ~/fadein-linux-i386-3.0.59

Installing Fade In from the TarGZ archive is taken care of with a shell script. However, the shell script won’t work right until you update its permissions with the chmod command.

sudo chmod +x *.sh

Execute the install.sh installer tool to set up Fade In on your Linux PC.

sudo ./install.sh

Let the installer run its course, and soon you’ll be able to use the Fade In screenwriting software on Linux!

Uninstalling Fade In

When you install the Fade In tool the generic way, it’s not possible to uninstall the software through the Ubuntu software center, KDE Discover, or a general package management tool. Instead, you’ll have to use the bash script provided in the TarGZ archive.

To install, do:

sudo ./uninstall.sh

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