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How To Install The Museeks Music Player On Linux

These days, it seems as if every Linux music player has to have a hundred options. Things like podcast support, RSS feeds, online music service support, “intelligent” playlists, etc., are all too common. Features like that are nice if you like all the bells and whistles and you have actual use for them. That said, if you find these features annoying, there hasn’t been a solid, minimalist alternative — till the Museeks music player came along.

SPOILER ALERT: Scroll down and watch the video tutorial at the end of this article.

The Museeks music player is cross-platform but works very well on Linux. It’s centered on delivering a solid music playback experience, that is easy to navigate and not cluttered with unnecessary distractions.

Note: To install the Museeks app, you’ll need to be using Debian, Ubuntu, Arch Linux, Fedora or OpenSUSE. Don’t use these distributions? You’ll need to be able to run AppImage files.


The Museeks music player is available for Ubuntu and Debian Linux users in the form of a downloadable DEB package file. Sadly, this is the only way to install the software, as there are no third-party PPAs or software repositories out there. However, Museeks receives regular updates (from the website), so it’s not a huge deal.

To start the installation on your Debian or Ubuntu PC, open up a terminal and use the wget tool to grab the latest version of Museeks.

wget https://github.com/KeitIG/museeks/releases/download/0.9.4/museeks-amd64.deb

Or, for the 32-bit version, try:

wget https://github.com/KeitIG/museeks/releases/download/0.9.4/museeks-i386.deb

Run the dpkg command and install Museeks to the system. If any errors appear, ignore them as we will fix them later on in the process.

sudo dpkg -i museeks-*.deb

Installing the Museeks package on both Ubuntu and Debian should work flawlessly, and the system should have no issues collecting the necessary files that it needs to run from the software sources available. However, sometimes, errors happen (for whatever reason). To fix this, run the following command:

sudo apt install -f

Or, for Debian (Old Stable), try:

sudo apt-get install -f

When the command finishes up, Museeks is ready to use on your new Ubuntu or Debian PC!

Arch Linux

If you’re on Arch Linux and in need of the Museeks player, the AUR is the only way to get it working. To get the AUR package, ensure that you’ve got the latest base-devel package installed, as well as the Git package. Don’t have them? Open up a terminal and sync with the Pacman package manager.

sudo pacman -S base-devel git

With both base-devel and Git working on your Arch PC, it’s safe to pull down the latest snapshot of the Museeks AUR package.

git clone https://aur.archlinux.org/museeks-bin.git

Use the CD command to move the terminal into the Museeks code folder.

cd museeks-bin

Install Museeks to your Arch Linux PC by running the makepkg command. Keep in mind that when running the build command, it may fail to install. This happens when the makepkg command fails to get dependencies installed. Solve this problem by installing them manually.

makepkg -si


Fedora and OpenSUSE users can install the Museeks player thanks to the fact that there’s a downloadable RPM package on the website. To get it, open up a terminal and use the wget downloader tool.

wget https://github.com/KeitIG/museeks/releases/download/0.9.4/museeks-x86_64.rpm

Or, for 32-bit:

wget https://github.com/KeitIG/museeks/releases/download/0.9.4/museeks-i686.rpm

Now that wget is done, follow the instructions to get Museeks working on your Fedora or OpenSUSE system by entering the commands below.


sudo dnf install museeks-x86_64.rpm


sudo dnf install  museeks-i686.rpm


sudo zypper install museeks-x86_64.rpm


sudo zypper install museeks-i686.rpm

AppImage Instructions

Museeks, like a lot of Linux apps these days, have taken to distributing their software in a downloadable AppImage. Having an AppImage is great, as it allows anyone to use the software, regardless of the Linux distribution.

To use the Museeks app image, open up a terminal and use the wget tool to download it to your Linux PC.

wget https://github.com/KeitIG/museeks/releases/download/0.9.4/museeks-x86_64.AppImage

A 32-bit AppImage is also available, for those that need it.

wget https://github.com/KeitIG/museeks/releases/download/0.9.4/museeks-i386.AppImage

With the AppImage on your Linux PC, use the chmod command to update its permissions.

sudo chmod +x museeks-x86_64.AppImage


sudo chmod +x museeks-i386.AppImage

Permissions are up to date, and the Museeks AppImage can now execute as a program. Next, use the mkdir command and create a folder for the Museeks file.

mkdir -p ~/AppImages

Move the Museeks AppImage into the new folder with the mv command.

mv museeks-*.AppImage ~/AppImages

Enter the new AppImage directory with CD.

cd ~/AppImages

Finally, start up the Museeks AppImage with:


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