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How to install the Manjarin GTK theme on Linux

The Manjarin GTK theme is a modification of another theme by the name of Telinkrin. The purpose of this theme to help the Manjaro Gnome edition look better, but it’s not exclusive to Manjaro.

The design of the GTK theme looks great and has vibrant colors of green, grey, and dark green. It’s an excellent theme for Gnome Shell and other GTK3 desktop environments like Budgie, Pantheon, and Cinnamon (not Mate or XFCE4). Here’s how to get it set up on your Linux PC.

Downloading the Manjarin GTK theme

The Manjarin GTK theme is readily available for download on GitHub, and Gnome-look.org. There’s no difference between the GitHub and Gnome-look versions. However, we will go over how to download Manjarin through both sources.

Method 1: GitHub

To get the Manjarin GTK theme from GitHub, you must first install the Git tool on your Linux PC. To install the Git tool, open up a terminal window by pressing Ctrl + Alt + T or Ctrl + Shift + T on the keyboard. Then, follow the command-line instructions outlined below that correspond with the Linux OS you currently use.


Install the Git tool on Ubuntu with the Apt command.

sudo apt install git


On Debian, you can load up the Git app with Apt-get.

sudo apt-get install git

Arch Linux

On Arch Linux (and Manjaro), you’ll be able to install the Git tool with Pacman.

sudo pacman -S git


Fedora Linux users can install Git with Dnf.

sudo dnf install git


On OpenSUSE Linux, load up the Git tool with Zypper.

sudo zypper install git

Generic Linux

Need to get the Git tool on your Linux PC but using an operating system not listed above? Do not worry! Git is the most popular source control app on all of Linux. As a result, almost every distribution has it available.

To install Git on your system, open up a terminal, search for “git” and install it the way you typically install software on your computer.

Downloading with Git

Now that the Git tool is installed on your Linux PC, you can download the Manjarin GTK theme to your computer using the git clone command.

cd ~/Downloads
git clone https://github.com/FadeMind/manjarin-gtk-theme.git

When the download completes, you will see a folder named manjarin-gtk-theme in your download directory. Use the mv command to rename it to “manjarin.”

mv manjarin-gtk-theme manjarin

Method 2: Gnome-look

To get the Gnome-look version of Manjarin downloaded to your Linux PC, head over to Gnome-look.org. Then, once there, find the “Files” button, and click on it with the mouse.

Inside of the “Files” area, you will see one download option. This option is “manjarin-gtk-theme-master.tar.xz.” Next to it, there’s a blue button. Click it to start the download of the Manjarin theme.

Extracting Manjarin

Now that the Manjarin GTK theme is done downloading from the Gnome-look website, it is time to extract it from its TarXZ archive.

To extract Manjarin, use the CD command, move into the ~/Downloads directory. After that, use the tar command to extract the contents of manjarin-gtk-theme-master.tar.xz.

cd ~/Downloads

tar xvf manjarin-gtk-theme-master.tar.xz

When the tar command finishes, a folder labeled “manjarin-gtk-theme-master” will appear. Use the mv command to rename this folder to “manjarin.”

mv manjarin-gtk-theme-master manjarin

Installing Manjarin

Now that the Manjarin GTK theme is done downloading to your Linux PC, installation can begin. There are two ways to get this theme working. The first method is single-user, which will give the user who installs it access to the theme and nobody else. The second method is system-wide, which will make the Manjarin GTK theme useable for every single user on the system. We will cover both installation methods.


To install the Manjarin GTK theme on your Linux PC as a single-user, start out by creating a new folder with the name ~/.themes using the mkdir command.

mkdir -p ~/.themes

After creating the ~/.themes directory, use the mv command to install Manjarin as a single user.

mv ~/Downloads/manjarin/ ~/.themes/


Looking to set up the Manjarin GTK theme system-wide? Use the sudo -s command to move the terminal to root mode. Then move the manjarin folder into /usr/share/themes/ with the mv command.

cd ~/Downloads
sudo -s
mv manjarin/ /usr/share/themes/

Activating Manjarin

Manjarin is set up on your Linux PC, but the tutorial is not done. The last step is to change the theme from the default GTK theme to it. To change the default theme on your Linux PC, do the following.

First, open up “System Settings” on the Linux desktop, and locate the appearance settings. From there, change the default GTK theme to “Manjarin.”

Having issues setting up Manjarin as the default GTK theme on your Linux PC? Take a look at the list below. Each of the links points to an in-depth tutorial on how to change the default theme on a desktop environment.

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