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How To Install The Teamspeak Client On Linux

The TeamSpeak client for Linux can be installed in many different ways. Some Linux distributions have pre-compiled, installable binary packages while others do not. In this article, we’ll be going over all of the different ways users can install this software. In addition to explaining how to install the TeamSpeak client on Linux, we’ll also go over how to connect to hosted TeamSpeak rooms.

SPOILER ALERT: Scroll down and watch the video tutorial at the end of this article.

Note: The TeamSpeak software doesn’t require users to host their voice server. If you’re not interested in hosting one as we cover in our guide, consider trying out one of the many publicly joinable rooms online!

Install TeamSpeak Client

Follow the instructions below for your respective Linux distribution.


A great way to install the TeamSpeak client on Ubuntu Linux is to do it via a PPA. To add the PPA to your system, open up a terminal and enter the following command:

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:materieller/teamspeak3

Now that the PPA is in Ubuntu, you’ll need to update your software sources so that the new PPA is included in software selection.

sudo apt update

Now that the software sources are up to date, you’ll be able to install the latest version of the TeamSpeak 3 client for Ubuntu Linux. Keep in mind that this PPA only supports 16.04 – 17.10. Those using Ubuntu 18.04 will need to wait for the PPA to update, or find another way to install.

sudo apt install teamspeak3-client

Uninstall the client using apt.

sudo apt remove teamspeak3-client


Installing TeamSpeak on Debian is very tedious, as there are no repositories or even native Deb packages users can download. Instead, if you want an installable TeamSpeak 3 client, you’ll need to build the package yourself. To start the build process, open up a terminal and install the Git tool.

sudo apt-get install git

Using git, grab the latest code for the TeamSpeak 3 client package builder:

git clone https://github.com/Dh0mp5eur/TeamSpeak3-Client.git

CD into the newly cloned git folder, and execute the build tool to generate a new package.

cd TeamSpeak3-Client

sh package.sh

Package.sh will build both a 64bit and 32bit DEB package for Debian. Currently, the package works perfectly with Debian Stable (Stretch) and newer. To install the package on your Debian PC, open up the file manager and navigate to TeamSpeak3-Client. Double-click on the DEB package and soon it will open in the GDebi package installation tool. Click “install” to start the installation.

Alternatively, use the dpkg command in terminal:

sudo dpkg -i teamspeak3-client_amd64.deb


sudo dpkg -i teamspeak3-client_i386.deb

Each time a new version of the TeamSpeak 3 client is released, you may need to re-run this build process. Be sure to back these DEB packages for future use. Uninstall the TeamSpeak 3 client from Debian with:

sudo apt-get remove teamspeak3-client

Arch Linux

sudo pacman -S teamspeak3


Sadly, there isn’t an RPM file available for Fedora users. Since OpenSUSE and Fedora are quite similar, consider going over to the OBS and downloading the latest RPM for Leap 42.3. Try your hand at installing it, otherwise, follow the TeamSpeak3 binary instructions below.


As mentioned in the Fedora instructions, OpenSUSE has a native TeamSpeak 3 client package available in the OBS. Only one distribution has support though, so if you don’t use OpenSUSE Leap 42.3, you’re out of luck. To install this package, follow the link in this section. On the page, look for “show community packages” and click it. From there, find “1 Click Install” and select it. Selecting “1 Click Install” opens YaST and will take you through the installation process.

Binary Instructions

The vast majority of Linux users looking to use TeamSpeak3 will need to download a RUN file to use it. To get the file, go to the official website, scroll down and look for Linux. From there, start the download. When the download is complete, open up a terminal window and use the CD command to move the terminal into ~/Downloads.

cd ~/Downloads

Update the permissions of the binary file using chmod.

sudo chmod +x *.run

Start the install process with:

 sh *.run

Read the instructions in the terminal, and follow the steps to install the software on your PC. Once TeamSpeak3 is on your Linux PC, close the terminal window.

Join TeamSpeak Room

When you open Teamspeak on your PC, you’ll need to log into your account. Enter your user details (or click “Create account”). It’s also possible to click “continue without creating an account.”

Once all of the information is filled in, click the “Connections” menu. Inside the connections menu, fill out the server address and the server password. You should also enter a nickname under “Nickname” in the window.

To connect to public servers, click on the URL at the start of this post and find a server. Alternatively, click “Connections” in the TeamSpeak client, then click “Server List.” Selecting server list will print out a huge list of publicly accessible TeamSpeak servers to connect to.

Access any room by right-clicking, then selecting “connect”.

1 Comment

  1. Unable to install Teamspeak on Debian (Sith). Build seems to work just find, install (in /opt) throws minor errors, adds files to /usr/share/applications and also to /usr/bin. No program installed to /opt and can’t find it anywhere else, either.
    alt+F2 teamspeak3-client thros the error “Failed to execute child process ‘teamspeak3-client’ (no such file or directory)”.
    Apt-get remove teamspeak3-client is possible but returns: “0 B of additional disk space will be used”.

    To me it looks like the amd64.deb file is corrupted and does not install any program. The problem may lie elsewhere, but I know very little about computers and it’s impossible for me to install teamspeak on Debian even with instructions.

    Any help appreciated to get the amd64.deb file installed

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