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Omegle Shutdown on November 8, 2023 (UPDATE)

Omegle has been shut down as of November 8th, 2023. We’ve summarized the update from Omegle founder Leif K-Brooks on the shutdown below.

In the formative landscape of the Internet, Omegle emerged as a revolutionary platform, conceptualized by Leif K-Brooks, that celebrated the art of meeting new people. As we reflect on its significance and sudden closure, let’s highlight five key points from Leif’s heartfelt message:

1. Origins of Omegle: Leif K-Brooks’ personal experiences with the internet as a gateway to knowledge and community heavily inspired the creation of Omegle. He saw the platform as a means to replicate the social spontaneity of real-world interactions within the global village of the internet.

2. Anonymity and Safety: Understanding the need for safety, especially in light of his own past trauma, Leif implemented default user anonymity on Omegle. This design was to foster open conversations while protecting users from potential offline harm.

3. Omegle’s Popularity: The instant popularity of Omegle post-launch was attributed to the fundamental human need to connect with others. Omegle’s easy interface for initiating conversations with strangers helped fulfill this need, propelling the site to millions of daily users.

4. Moderation and Responsibility: With great power comes great responsibility, and Omegle took this seriously. The platform engaged in proactive content moderation using advanced AI and human oversight, even assisting law enforcement in preventing crimes.

5. Challenges and Closure: Despite its success, Omegle faced scrutiny over misuse by a minority of users, leading to disproportionate criticism and pressure on the service. Ultimately, the financial and psychological burdens have made the continuation of Omegle unsustainable for Leif.

In conclusion, Omegle’s story is one of innovation, connection, and a battle against misuse and misperception. Its closure speaks to the broader challenges facing the free, open internet that Leif—and many of us—cherish. Omegle’s legacy, however, remains as a testament to the power of human connection in the digital age.

Original page:

Banned from Omegle? 7 Reasons Why + How to Get Unbanned

Masking or changing your IP address is the fastest way to get unbanned from Omegle. Otherwise, it can take from a week to 4 months (120 days) to get unbanned. Whether you deserved it or not, waiting for admins to lift the banhammer can take a long time so we show you how to shorten your sentence to nothing with or without a VPN.

Have you been banned from Omegle?

Why Trust AddictiveTips
Our expert team has rated and compared 30+ VPNs over a decade. As technology advances, we update our rigorous testing and scoring methodologies to match it and stay relevant.

We found these to be the best VPNs for unblocking Omegle:

  1. NordVPN – Best option for accessing Omegle from anywhere – A good all-rounder that works great with Omegle and also with streaming services, including Netflix.
  2. Surfshark An affordable way to get past Omegle bans. Streamlined interface requires no tech expertise, as you can use any server to unblock sites and apps.
  3. ExpressVPN Fast and reliable VPN to bypass your Omegle ban from anywhere in the world with no restrictions. Includes a 30-day money-back guarantee.
  4. CyberGhost Works well with Omegle and unblocks most of the websites. Easy to use.

What Is Omegle?

To get unbanned from Omegle we’ll cover the four best VPNs, in detail, but for those of you looking for a quick answer, our testing showed these to be the best options.

Omegle is a popular chat site that lets you talk with strangers on the internet. You enter information about your interests, then you are connected to a random stranger with whom you can strike up a conversation.

Omegle started off as a text-based chat site but has evolved to include other features like video calling as well. To the uninitiated, it may seem strange to actively seek out conversations with strangers, but it can prove enlightening, bizarre, hilarious, or at least entertaining enough to kill some time. After all, inhibitions that might otherwise stifle a fluent back-and-forth between complete strangers are done away with thanks to Omegle’s policy of granting complete anonymity to users. For privacy nuts, the guarantee of never having their data linked with their identity offers encouragement to try the service out.

That anonymity is a double-edged sword, however. Omegle doesn’t want to go the way of Chatroulette, so it has some strict rules about content and behavior that are allowed on the platform. It has even implemented an automated blocking software that blocks users who break the rules.

However, sometimes the software is too enthusiastic and blocks innocent users. In this case, users can use a VPN to get around the block. 

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Why am I banned from Omegle?

The Omegle terms of service are rather complex, and any infraction of them can result in a ban. The problem is that while some bans are legitimate, the banning happens automatically using software and so it can accidentally ban innocent Omegle users too.

Here are the 7 most common reasons that users get banned from Omegle :

1. Abuse, racism, and harassment

Any form of harassment like sexual harassment, racism, and verbal abuse like threats and threatening messages are cause for getting banned. Repeatedly using profanity and offensive language can also result in an Omegle ban.

2. Nudity and sending adult content in the ‘all-ages’ section

This is not allowed in the all-ages section of the chat. However, it is allowed in the 18+ chat for consenting adults. 

3. Using copyrighted content like videos such as movies and TV shows, music, and images

For example, you cannot play music tracks during video calls, as this is against copyright laws. If you had music or television on in the background during a call then you could get banned from Omegle.

4. Sending spam or soliciting messages

Algorithms can detect certain user patterns. If a user floods Omegle from multiple browsers using the same IP address, an algorithm could identify this behavior as spam. When a user repeatedly cancels chats, this can also alert the algorithm of spam-like content — perhaps the user is utilizing Omegle to advertise and is flooding new chats with identical messages. 

However, algorithms do not always correctly identify patterns. If an internet connection is weak, a user might automatically be dropped from a chat. Additionally, other users might continually drop the user in question from a chat. Neither of these situations might be the user’s intention, so in these cases, the algorithm could be at fault for a ban that is unjustified.

5. You were reported by another user

If you had a disagreement with another Omegle user, they may have filed a complaint about your behavior which can lead to you getting banned. The problem with this is that there is no way for you to share your side of the story if the other user is trying to get you banned from Omegle unfairly.

6. You have issues with an unstable internet connection

If your internet connection is slow or unreliable, such as a 3G data connection on your phone, then you might find that you are frequently dropped out of chats in Omegle. If this happens often, then the Omegle system thinks that you are a spam bot or a troll and can ban you for that.

7. Users drop you too much

As mentioned before, Omegle can take this as an indicator that you are either spamming users or acting in an inappropriate way and flag your IP to get banned.

The biggest issue with Omegle bans is that there is no easy way for users to appeal bans due to software errors. These users then often search for how to get unbanned from Omegle in order to keep using the service. After all, it can be addictive!

How Long Does an Omegle Ban Last?

Omegle bans can last from 1 week up to 4 months. The length of time a ban lasts depends on the severity of the reason that you were banned in the first place. Bans start at one week in length and can go up to 120 days for serious infractions. Normally, you just have to wait for your ban to be lifted, but there is a way to get around it that we’ll show you in this article.

If you are a repeat offender or if you commit a very serious offense, then you can be perma-banned from Omegle. This is done by the site registering your IP address and blocking all attempted connections from that IP. If this happens, you won’t be able to use the Omegle service at all anymore–unless you use the instructions below, that is!

Why did I get banned on Omegle? We'll answer your question

IP Address Bans on Omegle

If you’ve been banned from Omegle but are determined to get back to using the site, there are methods that can help you do that. Because banning is based on your IP address, all you need to do is to get a new one. Once you have a different IP address, the Omegle system won’t recognize you as the same user who was banned, so you can access the site and use it as normal.

The best way to get a new IP address is to use a VPN. We’ll show you full details of how to use a VPN shortly. There are other alternatives to get unbanned from Omegle, like using a web proxy to give yourself a new IP address, however, this does not always work as web proxies can be detected by some services. Another method that you can try is to reset your home network to get a new IP address by turning off your modem for several minutes before turning it back on. Whether or not this works depends on the particular setup that your ISP uses, so your mileage may vary.

In short: the easiest and most reliable way to get a new IP address whenever you want one is to use a VPN.

Use a VPN to unblock Omegle

With a VPN it’s easy to get a new IP address and to get around accessing Omegle. First, you need to sign up for a VPN service and download the software that your VPN company provides. You install this software on the device that you want to use for Omegle – either your computer or your phone. When you open up the software, you can use it to choose any of the servers around the world which are run by your VPN provider. Choose your server and then connect to it using the software.

When you are connected to a VPN server, all of the data that your device sends over the internet will be encrypted and routed via that server. This means that you are assigned an IP address at the server instead of your real IP address from your home network.

When you visit Omegle while you are connected to a VPN, you’ll be able to use the Omegle service even if you have been banned as you now have a new IP address.

How to Choose the Right VPN To Get Around a Ban From Omegle

Now that you know you need a VPN to get around a ban by Omegle, you just need to select a VPN provider. Although you might think about using a free VPNs to save some cash, we do not recommend this as free VPNs can steal your data and make you less safe. You want a VPN that is secure and safe as well as easy to use.

VPN Specs to Take into Consideration to unblock Omegle

Picking the best VPN for Omegle can seem like an impossible task. There are so many factors to take into consideration, including encryption strength, network distribution, privacy protocols, and so much more. We’ve made the process easier by collecting some of our recommended VPNs to use with Omegle. All of these were selected based on the criteria below, ensuring you’ll be able to unban Omegle and use the internet with complete privacy and security.

  • Server network– The more servers a VPN operates, the more choices you’ll have for non-local IPs. If you frequently encounter Omegle bans, go with a VPN that has the largest network of servers.
  • Logging policy – Your online privacy hinges on a VPN’s logging practices. If the service keeps detailed records of your traffic, IP address access, or DNS requests, that data could fall into a third party’s hands. To remain as anonymous as possible, make sure your VPN has a strict zero-logging policy in place.
  • Device compatibility– Omegle works with a wide variety of devices, including smartphones and tablets. To unban the service and chat freely you’ll need to run your VPN on the same device, which means custom software for as many platforms as possible.
  • Speed– Video chat can eat up a lot of bandwidth, even on low-quality Omegle interactions. To ensure your conversation isn’t a mess of buffering interruptions, go with a VPN that puts a high priority on speed.
  • Bandwidth restrictions – It’s surprisingly common for VPN services to put caps on speed, enact bandwidth limits, or even block P2P networks and torrent traffic. To keep your internet access open and free, always pick a VPN that doesn’t monitor or restrict traffic in any form.

Here are the criteria that we use to select a VPN for Omegle users:

  1. Lots of servers so that you have multiple options to choose from when you need to get a new IP address.
  2. Good security policies to keep you safe, like using strong 256-bit encryption and having a no-logging policy to protect your privacy.
  3. Fast connection speeds so that connecting to your VPN won’t slow you down when you are streaming or downloading
  4. Ease to use software that supports the operating systems that you want to use for Omegle.

Comparison of the best VPN to Unblock Omegle

Average Speed
Log Policy
Logs Present
Logs Present
Logs Present
Logs Present
Live Chat Support
  • 24/7 Live Chat
  • 24/7 Live Chat
  • 24/7 Live Chat
  • 24/7 Live Chat
Optimized for Torrenting
Streaming Unblocked
  • Netflix,
  • Disney+,
  • Amazon Prime,
  • iPlayer,
  • YouTube,
  • Hulu
  • Netflix,
  • Disney+,
  • Amazon Prime,
  • iPlayer,
  • YouTube,
  • Hulu
  • Netflix,
  • Disney+,
  • Amazon Prime,
  • iPlayer
  • Netflix,
  • Disney+,
  • Amazon Prime,
  • iPlayer,
  • YouTube,
  • Hulu
Free Trial
30 Day Free Trial
7 Days Free Trial
30 Day Free Trial
24 Hours on Desktop and 48 Hours on Mobile
Money Back Guarantee
30 Days Money Back Guarantee
30 Day Money Back Guarantee
30 Day Money Back Guarantee
45 Day Money Back Guarantee
Works in Your Country
Best Price

Best VPN to Unblock Omegle

We looked through lots of VPNs to find the ones that met these criteria, and our recommendations are below.

1. NordVPN

Works in United States
4.5 / 5
Top Features
Number of Servers
Average of 191.4 mbps
Devices Supported
Up to 6
24/7 Live Support
Money Back Guarantee
30 Days Money Back Guarantee
Streaming Sites Unblocked
Netflix, Disney+, Amazon Prime, iPlayer, YouTube, Hulu
Exclusive Deals
Best Deal
Standard at $2.99/month
Plus at $4.49/month
Complete at $5.49/month
Apps Available
NordVPN Pros & Cons
  • Very fast speeds make this a strong choice for 4K streaming
  • Extensive server park of over 5,400 different servers
  • Tor over VPN, double VPN
  • No logs and encrypted connections for total privacy
  • 24/7 Customer Service
  • Automatic server selection can be unreliable
  • Apps can sometimes be slow to connect

NordVPN is the ideal VPN for advanced users who want tons of options to adapt and tweak their VPN connection. With industry-standard 256-bit encryption and zero logs kept, your privacy is all but assured whenever you connect to Omegle. When bypassing bans, you can even use NordVPN’s handy tutorial on their website to guide you.

NordVPN’s main claim to fame is their wide variety of purpose-built servers, including for P2P downloading (great for torrents), double VPN (which adds a second layer of encryption to your VPN connection for incredible protection), anti-DDoS, and even onion over VPN.

In total, the number of servers available with this VPN is a massive 5,800 servers in 59 countries. The software can be installed on devices running Windows, Mac OS, Linux, iOS, Chrome OS, Android, or Windows Phone.

Read our full NordVPN review.

2. Surfshark

Works in United States
4.4 / 5
Top Features
Number of Servers
Average of 191.25 mbps
Devices Supported
Up to Unlimited
24/7 Live Support
Money Back Guarantee
30 Day Money Back Guarantee
Streaming Sites Unblocked
Netflix, Disney+, Amazon Prime, iPlayer, YouTube, Hulu
Exclusive Deals
Best Deal
24 Months at $2.69/month
1 month at $17.69/month
12 Month at $4.09/month
Apps Available
Surfshark Pros & Cons
  • Break through harsh censorship to securely access social media and foreign news sites
  • Over 800 servers in 50 countries worldwide, and constantly growing
  • Wide app availability on desktop, mobile, consoles, smart TVs and more
  • Logging policy independently audited and verified
  • Get help any time of day via email, phone, or live chat
  • Overall, not much to complain about
  • Relatively young VPN still has to prove itself trustworthy over the long haul

Surfshark is a relative newcomer to the VPN scene, but they’re already making a huge impact thanks to an array of features few other providers offer. First off, there’s no such thing as a Surfshark “specialty server”, because they’re all specialty servers. No fiddling around trying to find the right connection that defeats your Omegle ban. Just connect to the nearest, fastest server, and you’re back chatting to your heart’s content.

This works even if you’re stuck in a particularly oppressive country; just toggle on Surfshark’s NoBorders functionality to blast through censorship and network blocks. And thanks to a fully secured network of RAM-only servers (numbering well over 800 nodes across 50 countries), you never have to worry about your VPN holding onto sensitive information that could be used to reveal your activity.

The best part, Surfshark never limits you on … anything. That means unlimited simultaneous connections, server switches, bandwidth–all completely private. With Surfshark, Omegle blocks and other barriers to the free and open Internet are a thing of the past.

Read our full Surfshark review.

3. ExpressVPN

Works in United States
4 / 5
Top Features
Number of Servers
Average of 181.11 mbps
Devices Supported
Up to 5
24/7 Live Support
Money Back Guarantee
30 Day Money Back Guarantee
Streaming Sites Unblocked
Netflix, Disney+, Amazon Prime, iPlayer
Exclusive Deals
Best Deal
12 Months at $6.67/month
6 Months at $9.99/month
1 Month at $12.95/month
Apps Available
ExpressVPN Pros & Cons
  • SPECIAL OFFER: 3 months free (49% off – link below)
  • Super fast servers
  • Govt-level AES-256 encryption
  • No logs for personal data
  • Customer Service (24/7 Chat)
  • Expensive month-to-month plan

ExpressVPN is a hugely popular VPN among both new and experienced users thanks to its combination of speed, security, and ease of use. The number of servers available is very large, with 3,000+ VPN servers in 160 VPN server locations in 94 countries, so you’ll have no problem finding a strong connection.

ExpressVPN uses strong 256-bit encryption to keep your data safe and has a no-logging policy so you can be sure that your data will never be recorded or given to another party. There are further options for security in the software, like DNS leak protection so that no one can track you through your DNS use, a kill switch to prevent you from accidentally sending data over an unsecured connection and an IP address checker.

The connection speeds are some of the best we’ve seen in any VPN so you won’t be slowed down when chatting over Omegle. The VPN software offers a simple interface available for Windows, Mac OS, Linux, and Android, plus some games consoles and smart TVs. There are also handy browser extensions available for Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, and Apple Safari browsers.

Note: If you are having trouble unblocking Omegle with ExpressVPN, please note you should try a number of different servers or you contact ExpressVPN’s 24/7 live chat support to give you specialized IP addresses optimized for the service.

Read our full ExpressVPN review.

4. CyberGhost

Works in United States
4.1 / 5
Top Features
Number of Servers
Average of 137.62 mbps
Devices Supported
Up to 7
24/7 Live Support
Money Back Guarantee
45 Day Money Back Guarantee
Streaming Sites Unblocked
Netflix, Disney+, Amazon Prime, iPlayer, YouTube, Hulu
Exclusive Deals
Best Deal
Best Value at $2.19/month
6 Month Plan at $6.99/month
Monthly Plan at $11.99/month
Apps Available
CyberGhost Pros & Cons
  • Unblocks US Netflix + BBC iPlayer
  • 3,600+ servers in 55+ countries
  • Versatile and user-friendly
  • No log files
  • 45-day money-back guarantee
  • Sometimes experiencing average speeds

CyberGhost is the VPN that we recommend for Omegle users who want a simple interface that doesn’t require extensive technical know-how to operate. Simply open up the software and click on the Surf Anonymously option, which will connect you to a server that grants you a new IP address, and which will configure all of the options and settings for you automatically. With just a single click, you’re ready to get back to using Omegle. There are other options for other uses too, like torrenting anonymously, unblocking streaming websites like Netflix, and protecting your network. You can also manually connect to a server if you prefer, and you’ll have a network of over 6,300 servers in 89 countries to choose from.

The speeds of CyberGhost VPN are plenty fast enough for most needs, and the security is also good thanks to the use of 256-bit encryption and a no-logging policy. The software is available for iOS, Android, Windows, and Mac OS.

Read our full CyberGhost review.

5. AdGuard

AdGuard VPN Logo 2023

AdGuard VPN, initially known for its ad-blocking prowess, has dived headfirst into the VPN arena, bringing with it a fresh perspective. Right off the bat, AdGuard’s interface stands out, ensuring users don’t waste time toggling through complex settings. Just pick a server, hit connect, and you’re securely online.

Even if you’re in a region with heavy digital restrictions, AdGuard’s intuitive modes ensure you’re not left in the dark. And with a legacy spanning over 13 years in the privacy domain, you can trust their expertise. Their network, boasting over 1,000 servers in 65 locations, ensures you’re always covered, no matter where you are.

The cherry on top? AdGuard’s pricing is as user-friendly as its interface. With competitive rates, especially for long-term commitments, and a generous free plan, AdGuard ensures quality doesn’t have to break the bank. Dive into the world of AdGuard VPN, and experience a seamless, secure online journey.

Read our full AdGuard VPN review or use our AdGuard Promo Code and get 83% Off : “addictivetips83”

Other Ways to get Omegle Unbanned with or without a VPN

Due to the nature of Omegle’s banning procedures, getting unbanned is a surprisingly easy process. Some users find limited success with things like free VPNs and web proxies, though each of those carries its own speed and security issues. If you can’t use one of the fast and private VPN services listed above, try one of the following methods to get unbanned from Omegle:

  • Use a web proxy– Web proxies work by assigning you a different IP address before you connect to the internet. It’s a simple procedure that doesn’t offer any encryption or privacy, but it works in a pinch.
  • Free VPNs– No-cost VPN services are all over the place. They can help change your IP address to gain access to Omegle, but they often log and sell your private information to third parties, making them an unsafe choice for long or short-term use.
  • Reset your home network– You can often change your IP address simply by unplugging your router and modem, waiting a few minutes, then plugging them back in. Some ISPs require a longer wait before assigning you a new IP, however, which can make this method lengthy and unreliable.

See also: How to get a US IP address

Alternatives to Omegle

Omegle’s automated banning policies are not perfect. Thousands of users have discovered their IP addresses blocked for seemingly no reason, all because of a software error, DNS attack, or misfiled abuse report. VPNs usually bypass these blocks without any trouble, but if you’re tired of dancing around uncalled-for bans, there are some alternatives to Omegle that aren’t quite as much of a hassle.

  • OpenChat.pro– A free chatting service that aims to duplicate Omegle’s layout and design. Meet new friends and talk with people around the world, all without registration.
  • Chatous– A sleek and friendly alternative to Omegle with strong support for iOS and Android chatting.
  • MeowChat– An iPhone-exclusive chatting service that’s so cute you won’t be able to resist a few random conversations.
  • Random Chat– A bare-bones online chatting service that connects you with strangers.

Omegle Ban Duration FAQ

  • Am I banned from Omegle?

    If you’re getting an error when accessing the Omegle website stating something like “you have been banned from Omegle due to possible terms of service violations”, it could be that you or someone else using your computer or network are banned.

  • Why did Omegle ban me?

    The easy answer is because you, or someone else using your computer or network, broke the Omegle terms of service — which are rather complex.

  • What to do if Omegle bans you?

    Omegle banning is based on IP addresses, so all you need to do is make sure you change the IP address you are using – a VPN is the perfect tool for that.

  • How to get past the Omegle ban?

    By using a VPN you are getting a new IP address (anywhere in the world) and that helps you get around accessing the Omegle service.

Final Thoughts on Omegle and Using a VPN To Get Unbanned

Omegle is a fun chat service, but it has issues with its automatic blocking software, which can sometimes block users by accident even if they weren’t breaking the rules. Blocks on Omegle can last from one week to 120 days, and it’s hard to find a way to contest a ban. We’ve recommended a number of VPNs that you can use to get around Omegle blocks and continue using the service.

Are you curious about the safety measures on Omegle? Or perhaps you’re looking for the best VPN to unblock an Omegle ban? We’ve got you covered!

  • For those who are concerned about their online safety, we have a comprehensive guide that delves into the question, “How safe is Omegle?”. This page will provide you with all the information you need to ensure your online interactions are secure.
  • On the other hand, if you’ve been banned from Omegle and are looking for a way back in, we have a list of the best VPNs that can help you bypass this restriction. Check out our Best VPN to Unblock Omegle Ban page for more details.

Feel free to explore these resources and enhance your Omegle experience! 

Have you ever been accidentally banned from Omegle? Did you use a VPN to get around the block? Tell us about it in the comments below.

How to get a FREE VPN for 30 days

If you need a VPN for a short while when traveling for example, you can get our top ranked VPN free of charge. NordVPN includes a 30-day money-back guarantee. You will need to pay for the subscription, that’s a fact, but it allows full access for 30 days and then you cancel for a full refund. Their no-questions-asked cancellation policy lives up to its name.


  1. i tried to open omegle like 5 minutes ago cause i was bored, and it said i was banned even tho i dont remember doing anything that can get me banned

  2. I was banned for no reason. I didn’t violate any terms. Was litterally just hang’n and chilling. Why am I banned?

  3. I had download Nord VPN and they told me ( NordVPN service technican) that NordVPN do not work with OMEGLE because Omegle scan if your using a VPN. so I’m still banned from OMEGLE.
    What could be the best way to get unbanned, do someone knows similar website as Omegle and Free as OMegle. with no subscription.

    Do some Proxy server could be helpfull??

    HELP me please 🙂


  4. I don’t get it why I was banned due to bad behavior when I don’t even use Omegle that much. I mean that was weird and tricky for me how to find the best VPN so I can chat there anytime.

    • Maybe someone else on your network did, and they banned the whole IP address 🙂 ?

  5. I got banned from omegle because they said i am too yung to be on omegle even tho i am 17 almost 18 and they said that just because my brother was also on it with me and he is 8 years old

  6. I have been banned for no reason. I have used a vpn and it worked but it asks if im a robot every next I get.

    • Well, I guess it’s not much of a hassle to vet for yourself not being a robot, when the alternative is being banned. No? 🙂

  7. I remember using Omegle when I was younger, had such fun times. Just wondering is it even possible to get banned from it, didn’t know that. I have Nordvpn, maybe I should try if it works for getting unbanned, haha.

    • Of course try it with nord, because they hide your IP and gives a different one from other server easily.

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