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How To Download Any Windows 10 Build With Media Creation Tool

Anytime a new feature update for Windows 10 is released, the Media Creation tool that allows you to download Windows 10 is updated. The new version of the Media Creation tool allows users to download the current, latest version of Windows 10. This means that if you want to download and older feature update, the Media Creation Tool on Microsoft’s website won’t be much help. The ISO for older versions do still exist and with a little BAT file, you can download any Windows 10 build with the Media Creation tool.

SPOILER ALERT: Scroll down and watch the video tutorial at the end of this article.

Download Any Windows 10 Build

This BAT file has been written by Reddit user aveyo. You can download it directly from its Pastebin link but we’re going to provide the script here in case the link stops working.

Open Notepad and paste the following in it. Save it with the BAT file extension.

@echo off &title MediaCreationTool.bat by AveYo
:: Universal wrapper for all "RedStone" versions: 1607, 1703, 1709, 1803 and 1809
:: Using nothing but microsoft-hosted original files for the current and past Windows 10 MCT releases
:: Ingenious full support for creating business channel (Enterprise) with custom language, x86, x64 or AIO!

:: Add / remove launch parameters below if needed - it is preset for least amount of issues when doing upgrades
set "OPTIONS=/Telemetry Disable /DynamicUpdate Disable /MigrateDrivers all /ResizeRecoveryPartition disable /ShowOOBE none"

:: Uncomment to show live mct console log for debugging
rem set "OPTIONS=%OPTIONS% /Console"

:: Uncomment to bypass gui dialog choice and hardcode the target version: 1=1607, 2=1703, 3=1709, 4=1803, 5=1809
rem set/a MCT_VERSION=5

:: Available MCT versions
set versions= 1607 [ RedStone 1 ], 1703 [ RedStone 2 ], 1709 [ RedStone 3 ], 1803 [ RedStone 4 ], 1809 [ RedStone 5 ]

:: Show gui dialog %1:title %2:header %3:choices %4:output_variable
if not defined MCT_VERSION call :choice "MediaCreationTool.bat by AveYo" "Choose Windows 10 Version" "%versions%" MCT_VERSION
if not defined MCT_VERSION echo No MCT_VERSION selected, exiting.. & timeout /t 5 & exit/b
goto version%MCT_VERSION%

:version1 1607 [RS1]
set "V=1607"
set "D=20170116"
set "EULA=https://wscont.apps.microsoft.com/winstore/OSUpgradeNotification/MediaCreationTool/prod"
set "EULA_FIX=https://download.microsoft.com/download/C/0/3/C036B882-9F99-4BC9-A4B5-69370C4E17E9"
set "CAB=https://wscont.apps.microsoft.com/winstore/OSUpgradeNotification/MediaCreationTool/prod/Products_20170116.cab"
set "MCT=https://download.microsoft.com/download/C/F/9/CF9862F9-3D22-4811-99E7-68CE3327DAE6/MediaCreationTool.exe"
echo Version %V% %D% selected!
goto process

:version2 1703 [RS2]
set "V=1703"
set "D=20170317"
set "EULA=https://wscont.apps.microsoft.com/winstore/OSUpgradeNotification/MediaCreationTool/prod"
set "EULA_FIX=https://download.microsoft.com/download/C/0/3/C036B882-9F99-4BC9-A4B5-69370C4E17E9"
set "CAB=https://download.microsoft.com/download/9/5/4/954415FD-D9D7-4E1F-8161-41B3A4E03D5E/products_20170317.cab"
set "MCT=https://download.microsoft.com/download/1/C/4/1C41BC6B-F8AB-403B-B04E-C96ED6047488/MediaCreationTool.exe"
:: 1703 MCT is also bugged so use 1607 instead
set "MCT=https://download.microsoft.com/download/C/F/9/CF9862F9-3D22-4811-99E7-68CE3327DAE6/MediaCreationTool.exe"
echo Version %V% %D% selected!
goto process

:version3 1709 [RS3]
set "V=1709"
set "D=20180105"
set "EULA="
set "CAB=https://download.microsoft.com/download/3/2/3/323D0F94-95D2-47DE-BB83-1D4AC3331190/products_20180105.cab"
set "MCT=https://download.microsoft.com/download/A/B/E/ABEE70FE-7DE8-472A-8893-5F69947DE0B1/MediaCreationTool.exe"
echo Version %V% %D% selected!
goto process

:version4 1803 [RS4]
set "V=1803"
set "D=20180420"
set "EULA="
set "CAB=https://download.microsoft.com/download/6/2/6/626729CF-8C1C-43DF-8C9C-AD2FD56948C3/products_20180420.cab"
set "MCT=https://software-download.microsoft.com/download/pr/MediaCreationTool1803.exe"
echo Version %V% %D% selected!
goto process

:version5 1809 [RS5]
set "V=1809"
set "D=20180924"
set "EULA="
set "CAB=https://download.microsoft.com/download/6/F/B/6FB97F08-E010-48A4-A9DC-18FCA920CEB4/products_20180924.cab"
set "MCT=https://software-download.microsoft.com/download/pr/MediaCreationTool1809.exe"
echo Version %V% %D% selected!
goto process

echo Notice: MCT depends on BITS service! If any issues, run script as Admin..
bitsadmin.exe /reset /allusers 2>nul
net stop bits /y 2>nul
net start bits /y 2>nul

:: cleanup - can include temporary files too but it's not advised since you can't resume via C:\$Windows.~WS\Sources\setuphost
pushd "%~dp0"
del /f /q products.* 2>nul &rem rd /s/q C:\$Windows.~WS 2>nul & rd /s/q C:\$WINDOWS.~BT 2>nul
:: download MCT
set "WEBCLIENT=[Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol='tls12,tls11,tls';(new-object System.Net.WebClient)"
if not exist MediaCreationTool%V%.exe powershell -noprofile -c "%WEBCLIENT%.DownloadFile('%MCT%','MediaCreationTool%V%.exe');"
if not exist MediaCreationTool%V%.exe color 0c & echo Error! missing MediaCreationTool%V%.exe & pause & exit /b
:: download CAB
if not exist products_%D%.cab powershell -noprofile -c "%WEBCLIENT%.DownloadFile('%CAB%','products_%D%.cab');"
if not exist products_%D%.cab color 0c & echo Error! missing products_%D%.cab & pause & exit /b
:: unpack CAB
expand.exe -R products_%D%.cab -F:* . >nul 2>nul
if not exist products.xml color 0c & echo Error! bad or missing products_%D%.cab & pause & exit /b
:: patch XML to allow selecting business channel editions (Enterprise) and a minor cosmetic fix
set "READ_XML=$f=[System.IO.File]::ReadAllText('products.xml')"
set "WRITE_XML=[System.IO.File]::WriteAllText('products.xml', $f)"
set "r1= $f=$f.Replace('IsRetailOnly>True<','IsRetailOnly>False<')"
set "r2=.Replace('%%ENTERPRISE','Windows 10 Enterprise')"
:: fix old EULA links breaking MCT in 1607 and 1703
if not defined EULA (set "r3=") else set "r3=.Replace('%EULA%','%EULA_FIX%')"
powershell -c "%READ_XML%; %r1%%r2%%r3%; %WRITE_XML%;"
:: repack XML into CAB
start "" /wait makecab products.xml products.cab
:: finally launch MCT with local configuration and optional launch options
start "" MediaCreationTool%V%.exe /Selfhost %OPTIONS%

:: utilities
:choice %1:title %2:header %3:choices %4:output_variable [GUI radioboxes dialog snippet by AveYo] released under MIT License
setlocal &set "parameters=$title='%~1'; $header='%~2'; $choices='%~3'; $global:c='';"
set "s1=[void][System.Reflection.Assembly]::LoadWithPartialName('System.Windows.Forms');$f=New-Object System.Windows.Forms.Form"
set "s2=;$f.Text=$title; $f.Forecolor='Snow'; $f.BackColor=0xff180052; $f.StartPosition='CenterScreen'; $f.AutoSize=$true;"
set "s3=$g=New-Object System.Windows.Forms.GroupBox; $g.Location='40,10'; $g.Margin='0,0,40,0'; $g.MinimumSize='280,100';"
set "s4=$g.AutoSize=$true; $g.text=$header; $f.Controls.Add($g);"
set "s5=$i=1; foreach($l in $choices.split(',')){ $r=New-Object System.Windows.Forms.RadioButton; $r.Location='20,'+(30*$i);"
set "s6=$r.Name=$i;$r.Text=$l;$r.AutoSize=$true;$r.add_Click({$global:c=$this.Name}); $g.Controls.Add($r); $r.Checked=1; $i++};"
set "s7=$j=1;foreach($t in @('OK','Exit')){$b=New-Object System.Windows.Forms.Button;$b.Location=''+(120*($j-1)+80)+','+40*$i;"
set "s8=$b.Name='b'+$j; $b.Text=$t; $b.DialogResult=$j; if ($j -eq 1){$f.AcceptButton=$b}; $f.Controls.Add($b); $j++};"
set "s9=$f.Add_Shown({$f.Activate()}); $ret=$f.ShowDialog(); if ($ret -eq 2){$global:c=''}; write-host $global:c"
for /l %%# in (1,1,9) do call set "ps_Choice=%%ps_Choice%%%%s%%#:"=\"%%"
for /f "usebackq tokens=* delims=" %%# in (`powershell -noprofile -c "%parameters% %ps_Choice%"`) do set "output_var=%%#"
endlocal & set "%~4=%output_var%" & exit/b

Run this BAT file with admin rights. You will see a Command Prompt window open, followed by another window asking you which Windows 10 update you want to download. You can download final Redstone builds 1 – 5.

Once you select the build number, it will download the Media Creation tool to the same location you saved the BAT file to. You can now run the tool and use it to download the Windows 10 build you selected. The tool will let you update the current installation, or create a bootable USB.

All files are downloaded from Microsoft. This BAT file only helps you find the right file, and initiate the download. It is not providing the files nor is it modifying the ones that Microsoft has made available.

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