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How to make a poison potion in Minecraft

There are lots of ways get poisoned in Minecraft. If you eat rotted meat dropped when you kill a zombie, you’re highly likely to be poisoned. If you encounter a witch, whether near its hut or while you’re exploring, it will throw a poison potion at you. 

Poison potion in Minecraft

Poison is a standard potion in Minecraft. Like other potions, its effects last a limited time only. If you’ve been poisoned, you can wait it out or you can drink milk or honey to undo it. Poison isn’t only for the player. 

As a player, you can brew and use poison on other mobs. It will reduce their attack strength and may also reduce their health. The damage of this potion is usually distributed over time i.e., it slowly causes damage over time.


To make a potion of poison in Minecraft, you need;

  • A brewing stand
  • Blaze powder to activate the brewing stand
  • Nether wart
  • Spider eye
  • Bottle of water

Brew Poison potion in Minecraft

Brewing a simple poison in Minecraft is a multi-step process. You should have the brewing stand and blaze power, as well a bottle of water ready.

  • You can get blaze powder by putting a blaze rod in the crafting table. A blaze rod is obtained by killing a blaze in the nether.
  • A water bottle is obtained by filling a glass bottle with water.
  • Nether warts are found in the Nether in the fortress.
  • A spider eye is obtained by killing a spider.

Once you have all the ingredients, follow these steps to brew a poison potion in Minecraft.

  1. Open the brewing stand.
  2. Place the blaze powder in the fuel slot.
  3. Place the water bottle in the first bottle slot.
  4. Place a nether wart in the first/ingredient cell.

  1. Once the brewing process is complete, place the spider eye in the ingredient slot.
  2. When the process completes, you will get a poison potion.
  3. You can make Potion of Poison II by taking the poison bottle and placing it in the middle bottle slot.

  1. Add glow stone dust to the ingredient slot. Glow stone is obtained in the nether and dust is obtained by placing it in the crafting table.
  2. When the brewing process completes, you will have a stronger poison.


Many of the ingredients for the poison potion are hard to obtain. That said, if you have a brewing stand, it means you’ve already found the nether fortress and that’s one of the more difficult things to do. The rest is just killing mobs and finding items.

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