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What Command Line Manages User Accounts on Windows Local System?

While user accounts on the local system on Windows can be managed from the Settings app, there are other ways to find and manage the user accounts and groups on your device if you’d fair better with more detailed information about the accounts, as well as the type of permissions they’re granted.

One of such is the snap-in console termed Local Users and Groups, and it can be accessed with the command line “lusrmgr.msc” (without the quotes). Read on below for an intelligible guide on how to find and manage local user accounts with this command line.


How to Find User Accounts in Local System

Before attempting this method, it’s worth pointing out that the snap-in console named ‘Local Users and Groups’ is not available on Windows 10 Home. You can only get it via the Enterprise and Pro variants of Windows 10. If you’re running on either of these, follow the steps below:

  • Press Windows key + R to launch Run Command 
  • In the provided text box, type lusrmgr.msc and click OK
  • Next, you should find yourself in the Local Users and Groups console directory if available on your operating system

You should see all local user accounts, as well as groups, that are configured on your PC. They are usually separated into two folders. If you’re interested in managing them effectively, read on to the next method below.

How to Manage User Accounts in Local System Using

Once you’re able to see the Users and Groups folder in the console directory window, there isn’t much left to do to manage them on your PC. Opening the Users folder will enable you to see all the accounts on your PC, including the disabled or hidden ones.

Below are the types of accounts you’ll find in this folder:

  • Administrator: an in-house account created by Windows itself for administrative functions
  • Guest: an account created to give guests access on your PC
  • DefaultAccount: standard user account managed by the operating system
  • WDAGUtilityAccount: responsible for running and managing processes in virtualized environments, using the Windows Defender antivirus

If you look closely at the user accounts, you’ll notice that some of them have a small down-facing arrow on their icons. This symbolizes that the user account in question is currently disabled and, as a result, cannot be used, even if it is available on your PC.

In addition, if you double-click a user account, a designated Properties window will open and portray more information about the account, as well as customization options available on it. Some of these options allow you to disable an account, set a password, or even reassign it to another user group.

However, except you are absolutely sure of what you’re doing, don’t go about checking or toggling every option you come across to avoid another round of ransacking Windows backend for solutions.

Final Notes

That’s all you need to know about managing user accounts on Windows local system. If you’re also interested in managing group accounts on your device, open the Groups folder under Users to see all group accounts on your PC.

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