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Set Device To Silent Or Vibrate Based On Time, Location, Event, Or Contact [Android]

The way you can automate tasks in Android is something you can’t do even half as well on other smartphone platforms (we’re looking at you iOS) and the apps that are developed to cater to Android’s customization abilities are simply amazing. You may have heard that a Do Not Disturb feature is coming to Android L and while we don’t have an app that replicates it for lower versions of Android, we have some that can tie us down well enough until Android L arrives. Mr. Silent, Auto silent mode is an Android app that lets you automate when your device is set on either silent or vibrate mode. You can set time slots, locations, events, and even select contacts, that the app will automatically mute your device for.

You start off with a dashboard and while the interface is easy on the eyes, the app does have navigation glitches and it isn’t well thought out. The app works really well though so we are more than willing to overlook what we hope is going to be fixed and polished in future versions. The time slots can be set for a date and time range and each slot is differentiated by the event name.

Mr. Silent dashboard Mr. Silent, Auto time slot

Mr. Silent, Auto silent mode can set your device to silent mode by event as well. It reads events from Google Calender (no importing involved) so if all your meetings are synced with Google Calendar, you can use the app to make sure your phone is quiet during them.

You can also tell the app to set your device to vibrate or remain silent for a particular contact. You have a white list and a black list that lets you include or exclude contacts as per your need.

Mr. Silent events Mr. Silent contact

Last, but certainly not least, is the location trigger that lets you select places where your phone should be set to vibrate or silent mode.

Mr. Silent location Mr. Silent, Add location


You might have a little trouble navigating between the different triggers since the dashboard isn’t the default screen. The last trigger you used turns into the default screen so you will have to use the navigation drawer to switch between them. The navigation drawer is also where you can access the settings from. This is where you set which mode the app switches your phone to when an event is triggered. You can either set it to vibrate or silent and it will be applied for all triggers. The app gives you a notification to let you know when it has been triggered.

The glitches aside, and if you use the app you will see they are quite persistent and frequent, the app is still great. I’d welcome different themes since the text isn’t very legible in this one. Despite its flaws, it works great.

Install  Mr. Silent, Auto silent mode From The Google Play Store


  1. Can I get source code for this project .
    I can add some more features which can make this application more stable.
    So if possible then send me source code please
    on my Email Id – yudiparmar37@gmail.com

  2. Can I have to source code for this project please. I will appreciate it if you can email it to me. Here is my email. ahmett_ylmz@hotmail.com

  3. Plz send me the code only for time based.Arshadkha48@gmail.com.
    i try on that type of app but i can;t plz help

  4. You can also use Mute By Location, it is free and allows you to set Locations on map or schedule by time.

    • There‘s a very good android app, called Do Not Disturb. So not quite true that there is nothing before android L.

  5. Or you could use AutomateIt or AutomateIt Pro, Tasker or Volume Control + Pro to name a few. The point is you don’t have to put up with badly designed apps when there are viable alternatives. While Volume Control+Pro does not have a location feature it does have a scheduler to set vibration and muting.

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