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Swipe Left, Right, Or From The Bottom To Access Apps & Contacts – Snype

One of the best things I like about Android is how awesome it is at handling multiple tasks. Naturally when it comes to multitasking, it is important to have instant access to apps and  Snype – App & Contact Launcher is an extremely powerful tool for multitasking.  Snype does for Android what apps like Sidebar Plus have been doing for so long for Google’s mobile OS. Using Snype, you can simply access any app or contact on your phone any time over any other task you might be doing. Its integrated, super fast search feature allows you to quickly find contact and apps by simply typing a few letters of the word. But more than that is interesting is the fact that you can activate Snype in a multitude of ways.

There are three different ways to open Snype. The first is to simply put the app’s shortcut on your home screen. Another way to access Snype is by replacing Google Now with Snype on devices that support it. When you activate Google Now, you can just specify Snype as default app to be always used the next time you launch Google Now.

Snype_Activate Snype_Main Snype_Search

The third method comprises of using the app’s ‘Side Panel’ option which lets you activate it by swiping from the left or right edge of the screen. The left edge brings up the Apps list while swiping from right side displays contacts. Of course, you can adjust how Side Panels work from Snype’s Settings screen. For instance, you can adjust the size and position of the activation area, as well as specify other parameters like indicator color, notification icon and more.

With the side panel feature is activat you can launch Snype over any other app, but you can also blacklist certain applications over which you don’t want it to work such as a game.

Snype_In App Snype_Settings Snype_Side Panels

The Holo-UI of Snype compliments Android’s UI but you can change the default skin between Dark, Light, Black and Black Transparent from Themes section in Settings.

Snype_Theme Snype_Color Snype_Dual Mode

Snype also has a premium version which lets you customize the lists of apps and contacts. This customization feature includes a grid mode, allowing you to fit more apps and contacts on the screen.

All in all, I’d give Snype a thumbs up. Its main strength lies in simplicity and speed. In other words, if you fancy multitasking on Android then you will love Snype.

Install Snype – App & Contact Launcher from Play Store

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