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Install Yandex browser on Chrome OS

Did you know that installing the Yandex web browser on your Chromebook is possible? Indeed, it is. Join us as we guide you through the steps to get the Yandex web browser up and running on your Chromebook.

Hero image for Yandex.

How to enable Linux on Chrome OS

The Linux settings menu for Chrome OS.

Installing the Yandex web browser on Chrome OS is possible because the developers release a Linux version of the app, and Chrome OS allows users to run Linux applications via the “Linux development environment” feature.

If you want to get the Yandex browser up and running on your system, you’ll need to first enable Linux support on your Chromebook. To start, click on the clock in the Chrome OS dash. Once you select the clock, more options will be revealed. Among these options is a gear icon. Select it to launch the Chrome OS settings area.

Inside the Chrome OS settings area, find the “Advanced” section and click on the drop-down arrow next to it. When you select this option, more advanced Chrome OS settings options will appear. Locate the “Developer” section.

Inside the “Developer” section, find “Linux development environment” and click on it with the mouse. Then, find the “Turn on” button and click on it with the mouse. When you select the “Turn on” button, Chrome OS will open up a wizard that helps you configure Linux support on your Chromebook. It’ll also download a Debian Linux container and the official Chrome OS terminal app.

Once Linux support is configured, launch the Chrome OS terminal app and select “Penguin.” Choosing “Penguin” will give you command-line access to the Debian Linux container on your Chromebook.

Inside the Debian Linux container on your Chromebook, run the apt update command. This command will refresh Debian’s software sources.

sudo apt update

After running the apt update command, you’ll need to run the apt upgrade command to install any software patches for Debian.

sudo apt upgrade -y

When the apt upgrade command is complete, you’ll be ready to install Linux software on your Chromebook, like the Yandex browser.

How to install Yandex Browser on Chrome OS – Deb

The Yandex browser home.

One way to get the Yandex web browser working on your Chromebook is through the official website, by downloading the official DEB package from the Yandex software repositories. To start, open the Chrome OS terminal app, and select the “Penguin” option.

After selecting “Penguin,” you’ll have access to the Linux terminal on your Chromebook. From here, use the apt install command to install the “curl” package. This package is necessary for interacting with the Yandex Browser repository on your Chromebook.

sudo apt install curl

With the “curl” package installed, use it to download the key file for Yandex. This key is required to interact with the software repository.

curl https://repo.yandex.ru/yandex-browser/YANDEX-BROWSER-KEY.GPG --output YANDEX-BROWSER-KEY.GPG

After downloading the key, use the apt-key command to add it to your Chromebook’s Linux container.

sudo apt-key add YANDEX-BROWSER-KEY.GPG

Once you’ve added the key to your system, it’s time to add the Yandex browser software repository using the add-apt-repository command below.

sudo add-apt-repository "deb https://repo.yandex.ru/yandex-browser/deb beta main"

With the repository added, you can use the apt update command to refresh your Linux software sources.

sudo apt update

Finally, install the Yandex web browser on your Chromebook using the apt install command below.

sudo apt install yandex-browser-stable

Once installed, you’ll have the latest stable release of the Yandex web browser on your Chromebook. Alternatively, you can install the Beta version using the following command:

sudo apt install yandex-browser-beta

To update your Yandex browser, simply run:

sudo apt update
sudo apt upgrade -y

How to install Yandex Browser on Chrome OS – Flatpak

The Yandex browser loading page.

Installing the Yandex Browser via the official software repository is a practical option, as it allows you to receive the latest software updates promptly. However, this isn’t the only method to install this browser on a Chromebook. You can also install it as a Flatpak.

To begin the installation process, open the Chrome OS terminal and select “Penguin.” Once “Penguin” is selected, you will gain access to the Linux terminal. From here, use the apt install command to install the “flatpak” package.

sudo apt install flatpak

After installing the “flatpak” package, the Flatpak runtime will be operational on your Chromebook, enabling it to run Flatpak applications. The next step is to enable the Flathub app store, which provides access to the Yandex Browser Flatpak.

flatpak --user remote-add --if-not-exists flathub https://dl.flathub.org/repo/flathub.flatpakrepo

With the Flathub app store enabled, you can now install the Yandex Browser app on your Chromebook using the flatpak install command.

flatpak install flathub ru.yandex.Browser

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