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Create Free Comic Strips Online

Have you ever wondered, why not create a comic strip out of a funny situation that happens every now and then? StripGenerator is a free online service that lets you create unlimited number of unique comic strips. It provides you with some limited number of characters, shapes, etc and also includes an easy-to-use drag&drop strip editor.

strip generator logo

Just select the Characters, place the Objects, and choose the shape of bubbles. Now type any text of your choice and enjoy making comic strips.


You can also zoom in/out, change size of window, and so on. Registration is not required, but if you register you get some added benefits such as, ability to add strip to your strip gallery, allow others to comment. Registered users also get extra functionalities such as extra options, more characters and objects. Once you have created the comic, click Publish. You can save it to your computer, share it on forums and with friends.

Below is the comic I created within 5 minutes using this tool. Check the full version here(with better quality).

epic comic created by nakodari small



    • It does not seam to work when I use this site, lots of problems. You should try pixton or debate365 on facebook. Both are much cleaner

  1. How do you do anything on this website? LOL really I am a computer wizard and I dont know how to work this site!

  2. Wow i never heard of this before! I’ll try it and maybe create many of my creations on my blog! thanks for this! xD

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