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Adjust iPhone LED Flash Light Intensity Using Gestures In Control Center

The system toggles in the Control Center might get the most press, but the shortcuts in the bottom row have their uses as well. Out of these shortcuts, the flashlight button is likely the most frequently used button. There are many occasions when you are likely to need the flashlight feature that comes embedded with iOS 7, even though the LED at the back of the device is not originally designed to be used for that purpose. For photography, the unchanging intensity level of the LED is fine, but if you are using it as a torch, it is nice to have some extra level of control. A while ago, we covered PhotoTorch, a tweak that allows users to change the intensity of the iPhone camera LED. CCFlashLightLevel does the same thing, but this new release works from the iOS 7 Control Center. With this tweak, users can use the CC flashlight toggle as a controller for the LED’s intensity level in a very convenient manner.

CCFlashLightLevel iOS Settings CCFlashLightLevel iOS CC

CCFlashLightLevel can be called into action by long-pressing the Control Center flashlight toggle. Doing so reveals a small slider overlaid on the icon. Swipe rightwards across to increase the intensity of the LED flash. Dragging in the opposite direction dims the light down. To dismiss this slider, and return the button to its usual form, simply take your finger off the screen and wait for a few seconds.

While CCFlashLightLevel might appear to be a very simplistic tweak at first glance, it still has some pretty neat customization options to offer. The tweak adds a menu of its own to the stock Settings app, from where it is possible to change some basic settings related to the level adjustment slider. You can specify the time duration for which you have to keep the flashlight shortcut pressed before the slider appears.

There are two more options as well; one dealing with the slider fade timeout and the other allowing you to set the default intensity level of the LED. Turn on the ‘Remember Slider Value’ option if you want the flashlight to returned to the last-used intensity level whenever it is turned on. To help users understand all these options, the CCFlashLightLevel menu comes with a comprehensive set of instructions.

CCFlashLightLevel is a free tweak. Give it a go on your iOS 7 device by heading to the BigBoss repo of the Cydia store.

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