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Easily Capture Perfect Before & After Comparison Photos On iPhone

At the end of our review for Beauty Box, we showed a before/after comparison of the example photo we used to test the app. While that image wasn’t snapped in real-time from within the app, there are plenty of occasions when you might want to show off your efforts by snapping a picture using your iPhone’s camera. Suppose you have spent hours cleaning your room and want to really highlight your work. In such cases, comparison shots are the way to go, but taking the perfect before/after pictures isn’t as easy as it sounds. Take the pictures from two slightly different angles, and the whole effect is ruined. Ideally, you want to take both the photos from exactly the same point – a feat that is almost impossible without making a considerable effort and several retries. Thanks to the new Before and After app though, this task becomes easy as pie!

Before and After iOS Home Before and After iOS Preview

Before and After is a really simple app, and anyone can master its usage within seconds. The app doesn’t have a detailed tutorial, and just displays a few instructions as you go about using it. To get started, choose a ‘Before’ shot from the camera roll, or snap a new one using your iPhone’s camera. Once the image has been loaded in the top-left frame, you are ready to snap an ‘After’ picture. When trying to add a photo to this frame though, there is a major change on the camera screen. Rather than just showing the scene in front of you, Before and After shows you the image loaded in the Before frame as a translucent backdrop for the capture screen. Just find a stationary object in the older photo and using it as a point of reference, align the current image with it before hitting the camera icon. The shadow of the Before shot is there just for your guidance, of course, and doesn’t affect the end result of the capture.

On the app’s main screen, the blue preview button lets you compare the two captured shots. There is even a transition animation to go with the comparison, which can be invoked by swiping vertically on the screen. To share the two shots, you can either use the app’s own mailing option, or save the pictures to the camera roll before sending them to others.

If you are looking for something as sophisticated as PerfectPixel, Before and After is probably not the right app for you. However, it gets the job done in a really simple manner. That, coupled with a price tag of absolutely free, makes Before and After a worthy download for any iPhone photographer.

Install Before and After from App Store

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