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How to Use WidgetSmith on iOS: A Step-by-step Guide

It’s no news that Apple’s iOS doesn’t give you many customization options, but since iOS 14, things have subtly changed for the better. Now, let’s not confuse this for anything Google’s Android offers. The latter is still miles ahead in terms of customizations.

However, that you can add widgets to your home screen is a step in the right direction, giving your iPhone or iPad the much-needed aesthetics. Interestingly, there’s a much better way to add widgets to your home screen, which is a third-party app named WidgetSmith. Here, you’ll find how to set up and use the app to beautify your home screen.

Read on below to find out.


How to Create a Widget with WidgetSmith

Widgets on iOS aren’t all that hard-line; the native apps and utilities still allow you to pick widget type and size, and there is support for a host of social media apps. However, if you don’t want your widgets to be within Apple’s confines and need more control over how they appear, a third-party app such as WidgetSmith is the way to go.

One cool thing about WidgetSmith is that it has a ton of templates that can serve as a blueprint for your widgets, saving you the stress of creating one from scratch. The templates span battery, calendars, reminders, health & activity, photos, weather, step-counting, etc.

However, the widgets you can access are limited, with premium-looking ones restricted to a paid account. A premium subscription also unlocks a host of features you’ll find handy while using the app. But the app is still very much usable without it.

Either way, the following steps will guide you on how to use WidgetSmith:

  • Search for WidgetSmith from the Apps Store

Ensure the name on the search results is precisely WidgetSmith as searched. With that out, tap the Install button to add it to your device.

  • Launch the App and Select a Size

Small, medium, and large widgets are available for you to choose from. Select the one that fits in the available space on your home screen.


  • Select Widget Content

If you tap Clock, for instance, you’ll find many beautiful widget contents, and they’re that many for all categories. You can also customize a widget by tapping on the Customize Theme button. 


One customization option includes adding a background image from your photo library. Once you’ve customized a widget to your taste, select Tap to Rename, type a unique name, and select Save to store all changes.


How to Add a WidgetSmith Widget to Your Home screen

Now that you’ve created a widget of your choice, the next step is to add it to your home screen. To do that,

  • Go to Your Widgets Home screen.

The widget home screen is the first page by the left of your home screen. It houses all Apple-supported widgets. But, this time, you’ll find WidgetSmith, resting at the far bottom. Scroll through the widgets to find it, then tap on it.


  • Select Widget Size

Tap on the widget size with which you designed the last widget. For instance, the clock widget created was small; therefore, I’d select the small size. You can also scroll to the right to find more sizes.

Once done, select the Add Widget button at the bottom and drag the widget to anywhere on your home screen. Don’t fret, as it will only appear blank. We’ll fix that in the next step.


  • Add the Widget Created Earlier

While your apps and widgets are still wiggling on the screen, tap on the small, blank widget. It’ll take you to the screen where you can select the widgets created on WidgetSmith. You should see “Small 1″, which indicates a small widget. Tap on it and then select the widget you renamed earlier.

The widget should appear on your home screen now. Tap anywhere outside of it to complete the entire process.

Final Notes

There you have it! Now you can add custom, rare widgets to your home screen using WidgetSmith. The procedures are the same if you wish to add a different widget to your home screen. You can also upgrade your WidgetSmith account to premium to get even better widgets.

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