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SSCapture Auto-Captures Screenshots At Regular Intervals On iPhone

iOS had native screenshot support before Android, but times have changed and this rather basic feature has made its way to both Google’s mobile platform and Windows Phone. If you happen to be an app developer, or are the kind of person who creates tutorials for others, screenshots must be a really important part of your everyday routine. Something that can’t be explained without a full video requires screencasts, and although iOS has a couple of nice screencast apps, they make your device really slow (especially if it’s one of the older ones), as can be expected when constant screen recording is going on in the background. SSCapture is a new Cydia tweak that allows users to capture a stream of screenshots. All you have to do is perform an Activator gesture, and specify the interval that separates one screenshot from the other to start the capture stream. The tweak works silently, that is, the screenshots captured by it aren’t accompanied by the default sound and flash.

SSCapture Cydia SSCapture Activator SSCapture Input

The way SSCapture is installed on your device might confuse you at first, as the tweak doesn’t add any new SpringBoard icon or dedicated option in the Settings app, but still needs to be manually configured. To do so, enter the Activator section of the Settings app and associate SSCapture with any gesture you want. The tweak won’t effect the native screenshot functionality in any way, so you don’t have to worry about that. Once the gesture has been selected, SSCapture can be invoked from anywhere in the OS.

Performing the SSCapture gesture brings up a small input box labeled Interval. Just enter the number of seconds that you want the tweak to wait after it captures each screenshot, and hit the Start button. As mentioned earlier, there will be no indication that screenshots are being taken, and SSCapture will continue working quietly in the background until you stop it manually, which can be done by performing the same Activator gesture used to invoke it. Halting of the capture process is confirmed by an alert.

SSCapture is a free tweak, and can be downloaded from the BigBoss repo of the Cydia store. If you want to capture a series of actions being performed on your device, and aren’t a fan of screencasts, this tweak is your best bet. Just don’t forget to stop SSCapture after you are done, as otherwise, your phone memory will become full pretty soon.

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