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How To Unlock The Flappy Bird Snapchat Filter

Flappy bird was a mobile game released a few years ago that, conceptually, was simple. As a user, you controlled a bird. Each time you tapped your screen, the bird flapped its wings and flew. You had to navigate it through a series of pipes. It was a side scroller that proved so difficult to play, the developer received death threats for making the game. Clones of the game have since been developed and now, there’s a Flappy bird Snapchat filter that lets you play the game in AR. Here’s how to unlock it.

Flappy Bird Snapchat Filter

The Flappy Bird Snapchat filter unlocks the same way all other Snapchat filters unlock; by scanning a Snapcode. You can scan the code in the image below or visit the filter’s own page and scan it from there.

Sncapchat can also scan a code if it’s saved as an image to your camera roll. To scan a Snapcode, open Snapchat and point the camera at the code.

If you have the code saved to your camera roll, tap your profile at the top left in Snapchat, and go to your Settings from your profile screen. Tap ‘Snapcodes’, and select ‘Scan from Camera Roll’.

The filter unlocks for 24 hours and you can of course play the game in AR. Tap your screen to start the game and keep tapping it to make sure the bird keeps flying. Don’t let it fall, and don’t let it crash into any of the pipes. Each pipe you pass adds one point to your score. The scoreboard at the top shows your current score. If you have the prowess for it, you can probably record a snap and play the game at the same time. If not, play the game until you fall and then Snap your score to your friends.

From the look of it, it doesn’t appear that the filter is going to be a temporary one however, even popular Snapchat filters like the dancing hot dog are eventually shelved so it’s possible this one will eventually expire too. Unlike special occasion filers like the Walking Dead Snapchat filter and the Game of Thrones Snapchat filter, this one will have a slightly longer life. It’s an actual, user-made filter and it’s not there to hype up the premier of a TV show.

We should warn you that if you have a low end device, or an iPhone that’s been slowed down due to an aging battery, the gameplay might be a bit choppy. In fact, the Snapchat app might take a little time to load too.

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