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Smarts: Add Custom ‘Smart Playlists’ To iTunes In Mac

You may know that iTunes includes Smart Playlists, such as, My Top Rated, Recently Added, Recently Played, etc., to help quickly view filtered songs from iTunes Music Library. iTunes allows tweaking with existing filter criteria of Smart Playlists via native Playlist Editor but many users find it quite hard to define a new criteria for their smart playlists. For example, if you want to create a playlist to include only long tracks having 10 minutes or more playback time or view all tracks with high bitrate, you have to manually search the specific filter fields in Playlist Editor to create a new smart playlist. Smarts saves you the extra effort involved in creating new Smart Playlists and defining custom filter criteria.

Smarts is a small Smart Playlist editor and loader which works in complete isolation. You don’t need to launch iTunes or associate it with iTunes playlist editor. It can edit the default Smart Playlists and load new ones into iTunes without disturbing existing playlist items. The application includes some Smart Playlists templates to help you quickly create a custom filters and load them into iTunes.

The sample templates include, Four stars or better (songs with four star rating or better), Long Songs (tracks with 10 minutes or more playback time), No Artwork (tracks without embedded album art), No Holiday Genres (to filter out Holiday and Christmas genres from the Music Library), and Not Played in 6 months. Each template is highly configurable. Smarts lets you open iTunes native Smart Playlist editor to change the filters and tweak with existing ones prior to loading the template to iTunes.


Clicking Load from Saved Smart Templates asks you to edit the filter criteria of selected template. If you keep Edit Smart Playlist after loading option unchecked, it will load the template into iTunes.

smarts 2

When template is loaded, it will launch iTunes with selected template loaded. You can check the number of items that were filtered through the newly added template. As you can see in screenshot below, it loads only those tracks which have 4+ Star rating.

load smart list 1

If you enable Edit Smart Playlist after loading option, it will open iTunes Smart Playlist editor to change the filter criteria of selected smart playlist.


Smarts is a great, little extension for adding new smart playlists and changing their filters according to the requirements. It works on Mac 10.6 and higher.

Gets Smarts from Mac App Store

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