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Enable Semi Transparent Notification Center On iOS 5 [Cydia Tweak]

IMG_0566-2We all love the new Notification Center in iOS 5, but it surely feels like Apple could have done a a lot more with this feature than it actually had. It is no surprise, that Cydia is becoming populated with all kind of tweaks for the Notification Center on jailbroken iOS 5 devices. One such recent tweak to hit Cydia, is BlurriedNCBackground. Judging by the name initially we thought it might actually allow the users to use a custom wallpaper on the Notifcation Center, but when we installed the tweak it came out something entirely different but yet very awesome. This tweak will give your Notification Center a hint of transparency and whatever screen you’re on, would be shown as the background but blurred to keep the Notification Center well focused.

The blur effect is actually very nicely done, and does not hinder your focus at all. You can see so, from the screenshots below.

 IMG_0566 IMG_0568

Pretty slick no? And the tweak is totally free. If you thought being free and transparent was awesome, there are also a few settings that you get along with this tweak. Yes, inside the Settings app, you will find the option to increase or decrease the blur along with some performance tweaks incase things slow down on your device.

The tweak can be found in the BigBoss repository, or alternatively you can search for it using the Search tab in Cydia. Once installed, you will be asked to restart the Springboard, so make sure you do so.


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