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How To Answer Or Mute Call By Shaking Your Android Device

In a meeting? Not able to attend the call? Tired of it ringing again and again! How about simply shaking your phone and it goes silent! The world of smart phones is just awesome and there is a way to serve this purpose as well. Shake2MuteCall is a simple and great application for Android to solve this problem.

Apps like Shake2MuteCall operate by taking good advantage of your device’s various sensors to present you some sort of convenience and task automation that would otherwise require manual intervention on the user’s behalf at frequent intervals. In this case, we get to see a very handy solution that can be of ample advantage of users who do not want to permanently put their device into silent mode, yet don’t want to be disturbed by sound of incoming calls, either. By bringing your device’s accelerometer into play, the app determines any swift movements as per user-specified sensitivity levels. If the movements are rigorous enough to go past the set threshold level, the app will put your device to silent mode. It might be just for the time being that the Service can be set to on/off depending on when you need to shake simply to mute the call. Sensitivity can be adjusted to high, low or in between. The application is so neatly built that you can simply adjust the sensitivity automatically by placing it in your pocket.


As an added feature, you can test the accelerometer by placing it in your pocket and shake it. Different notification sounds can be heard while shaking. Hit the menu button to get into settings for more adjustments.


In general settings, you can use vibration on incoming calls and silent mode. Call processing can be adjusted to mute ringer, this being the main feature of this application and reject or answer call. Suppose you select reject, now when you shake your phone it will simply reject the call, and vice versa for answer call. Muting SMS notifications is a great plus in this application, provided you use long tracks or vibrations for SMS notifications.


Reviewed this application on Galaxy S and it completely does what it says. Just shake it and the phone goes silent. While Shake2MuteCall itself happens to be a very handy solution to automate sound profiles on Android, it has shown worldwide developers a great way to take the concept to new heights.

Download Shake2MuteCall For Android

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