How To SIM Unlock Samsung Galaxy S for Free without Code
XDA-Developers forum member helroz recently released this app that does one thing and does it well – SIM-unlocking any Samsung Galaxy S variant without the need for entering a code. That’s pretty much all there is to it, so let’s get on with the method.
Please note that this method will not work on Docomo Galaxy S.
Disclaimer: Please note that while this method has worked for many, we can not guarantee that it will work for you. Judging from the community response, it is worth a shot though, and it’s fairly risk-free. However, attempt it at your own risk. AddictiveTips will not be liable if your device gets damaged or bricked during the process.
- Rooted Samsung Galaxy S or its variant. If yours isn’t rooted, see our rooting guide for Android.
- BusyBox installed, that you can get from Android Market for free.
- An active Internet connection while you attempt to unlock your device.
- The Galaxy S Unlock app that you can install for free from the Android Market.
Launch Galaxy S Unlock app on your phone. It will look like this screenshot.- For backup purposes, tap the first option: ‘Save actual Efs Folder’. This will help you revert back to the way your phone was in case the unlocking process does not work for you.
- This step is EXTREMELY important to get right.
- If your phone shipped with Android 2.1, tap the first step 2, even if it has Android 2.2 or later installed now.
- If your phone shipped with Android 2.2, tap the second step 2, even if it has another version installed now.
- Be patient while the tool connects to the internet, downloads the corresponding unlocking files and unlocks your phone. Once done, it will reboot or ask you to reboot. Simply follow the on-screen directions if you get any.
- Once the phone has rebooted, launch Galaxy S Unlock app again and tap on step 3 to create the required bak files, and you’re done! Your phone should be unlocked now. You can now exit Galaxy S Unlock.
In case it didn’t work for you and you find your phone still locked, you can revert back to the backed-up EFS folder from step one. Just launch the tool again and tap the last option that says ‘Restore saved EFS Folder’. Follow any on-screen directions and you’ll have your phone back in the condition it was in before you used this tool. This backup process makes it quite safe to try out.
i am looking for Samsung SGH-T959 sim and net work unlock code i tried for 2years till now nothing worked out every software i used noting out come just time waste I got only disappointment, can some one help me? my mail id
I have docomo galaxy s5 from japan, how can i unlocked it? Can anyone help me? Pls i really need it. .
HEY Please Give Me this link To Download This APP . Please Guys. Answer To me FAST
I unlocked my Samsung galaxy for free over at: freemobileunlockcodes. com/brands/samsung/samsung-galaxy
I found a galaxy s Samsung phone it is locked and I can not return it. How do I get it unlocked so I can return this phone
Thanks for sharing
i get efs not saved, help me (iknow old post) please
Pls I need my phone unclock samsung galaxys5 l9000
i need aunlock code for s5 active
Anybody there please help me
galaxys5how to unlock it
can somebody please help me to unlock Samsung Galaxy Sll
how can i open line my samsung galaxy s 4glte sch-r930 ,pls help me my freinds
Can’t download for USA located phones
Does it work on the new galaxy S5
thanks very much 😀
My galaxy s ..keeps telling me that my pin is blocked nd I can only mark emergency calls… do I fix this …please,,,,
As the above mentioned method not work on Docomo Galaxy S, so what the users can do? well i get code from afeunlockcode Dot com/samsung/unlock-galaxy-s-4, the price was low.
Great post
please help me i just upgrade my phone to android 4.2.2 and now it is asking for sim network unlock pin
does it work on galaxy ace
and also Samsung sgh t989d sorry about the last post sgh i927r I am form canada
how do I unlock a sug i927r gsm codes ????
get cheap price unlock code for galaxy S2, iPhone IMEI unlock and more on wejustunlock dot com
hi.i need help,,i lost may samsung galaxy android young GT-s5360.I want to ask how to
lock the gadget to destroy so they cant use it.please help me..thanks
And just how are people in America supposed to do this when the Galaxy S Unlock app is not available in our country?? I’d like to get off T-mobile’s outrageous monthly plan and keep my phone but I can’t unlock it if your advice won’t work 🙁
Fantastic many thanks for this post. :o)
Got it Bro, Thanks…. 🙂
Hi i just bought a samsung galaxy s 4g from a lady thinking my little one could use it to play games on, but it has no sim card, & i cant pick up any wifi signals not even my own.. what can i do to unlock the phone to where i can use it with out a sim just for the internet & to get game apps? & since i cant get the wifi on i cant create an account.. 🙁 plz help…
please somebody give me the right code to unlock my tmobile samsung galaxy s 4 g cell phone . sgh T959V. the phone is locked and i cant get another service until it is. we dont have tmobile service in my area.
Works as sweet as hell. After many month using the phone in locked mode, tried this method in an area with wifi, and it unlocked. Just as simple as that. What a relief it has been to me. You guys, thanks. I sure will donate to this cause so guys who have problems, the money can be put develop better apps to help them unlock their phones free.
imei unlock 354406045550911
I meant…can’t get it to unlock because of failed Efs folder backup
I meant…can’t get it to unlock because of failed Efs folder backup
Can’t back up Efs folder,so I can get it to unlock.Please help?
Used the apps mentioned in this article after rooting my Galaxy S (GT-I9000M, Canadian version) with SuperOneClick 2.3.3 and it worked like a charm. Popped in my already active SIM from another provider and the phone works just fine.
hiya could u help i have a Samsung gt-19300 how do i unlock it thanks x
worked like a charm…..great app….saved me a bunch of $$$$$
how do i unlock my samsung Galaxy Q when i tryed to much unlock pattern, and know it telling me for my gmail and the problem is that i don’t my gmail and my password, what can i do
Worked for a1 i9000 thank you
hey please tell me do you know any method for unlock LG Optimus Bright L-07C DOCOMO
i want to unlock a samsung galxy s
is lack when i want to used ask for a email but i forgat the passw an email
what is use of BusyBox for unlocking..???
Will this work for a Samsung Galaxy Note 2?
how to unlock my galaxy y? please help me..
my samsung galaxy s 4g is locked to where i have to put in a gmail acount username and password but i dont have it please help me!!! because it is my friends old phone and i have tryed every thing phone calls to samsung and yeah the phone isalso not turned on !!!!
factory reset it to remove gmail info then connect through wifi and do the steps listed above
thanks a lot.this method worker for me.have a nice day
I have a Samsung Galaxy S. I’m no longer have T-Mobile but I kept my phone with the idea to use the phone’s wifi when I’m on campus or at home. It doesn’t seem to connect to any wireless network . Could you help me out?
hello i have a samsung galaxy s phone its been locked and i dont remember the pattern or password can u help pls..?
Help!!!! everyone is telling me i cant unlock my samsung smart phone modele number sght499y
Is there a way to unlock the phone without an active service?
ok great work thanks brother
it will not work due to a busybox problem…. how do i fix that?
first root your phone and then install busybox and then try
Would this work on the UK network of 02?
where is the link
just saved me 10
Galaxy S plus. Does it work???
Just to confirm, it worked on galaxy s vibrant locked to virgin mobile,Canada. Initially, could not save efs folder (step 1, error message) despite several attempts. Very frustrating. Installed Astro manager, and backed up APK folder/apps on internal sd card. Simaltaneously updated busybox from market. Bingo everything worked perfectly thereafter. Not sure whether it was the backup of APK folder, the update of busybox or both that did the trick. Very grateful happy camper.
THANK YOU. My phone battery died and woke up locked again…only this helped me! *genius*
I’m trying to unock my Galaxy S2 i727 skyrocket. It say error, Cannot write to folder EFS on Step 1. Due to this it’s not allowing me to poceed to step 2.
I had the same problem with my Vibrant. Turns out I still needed to reboot after rooting it.
Dude you really nail it!! thank you very much! I have a Samsung S Vibrant from T-Mobile and works smoothly.
banging mate after searching for hours i came accross this and poww it worked all done withing ten mins
thanking you
so awesome thank you
its working so good
how to unlock samsung
it does not work!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i hate who ever envented this page and my frickin phone
Reading through some of these comments makes me laugh, I suspect some of you people shouldn’t even being using a mobile phone, let alone trying to modify it. Or just learn how to read properly! App works like a charm, huge thumbs up to the dev. Cheers. (Galaxy S i9000)
I unlocked my tmobile galaxy s and when i put an att sim in it it says “SIM CARD CRASH, contact …..” did i do something wrong?
I got it figured out….and if anyone else has this problem just call the carrier of the SIM card and give them the MEI number of the new phone and have them unlock the SIM from your old phone. ATT was very willing to help me on this one.
I mean Sasktel and how to unlock my Galaxy S Vibrant????? PLease help!!
How do i unclock a saktel phone man ive tried everything!!!!!
hello i downloaded the bush box and everything is fine. my problem is when i try to the galaxy S unlock it opens and while following the steps to unlock my phone step 1 to back up Efs folder it wont work it says error, not saved. which will not allow me to proceed please help. thank you so much for the information on this page 🙂
I also have the same problem. I”m trying to unlock galaxy S2 syrocket. I727
hi where do i go to get the code plz thanks
Definitely the comment that makes me laugh the most!
I rooted my Samsung Galaxy S 4G and unlocked it. (It was locked to T-mobile)But I still cant get to use my Sim on it. The phone picks the signal (MTN Nigeria) but cannot make or receive any call or even send a text message but can connect to the internet. Please help.
I have the same problem. Anybody?
I tried this on my Samsung Galaxy SII from Tmobile and it forces closed everytime?
Thank you so much. Works like a charm 🙂
thank you , I have my I897 working with T-Mo now , 🙂 speakless !
thank you , I have my I897 working with T-Mo now , 🙂 speakless !
Dude, you saved my life.Thank you so much!!!!!
You are the man!
Worked perfectly Thank you!!
cant u help me with my samsung galaxy q to unlock it?
Hey everyone I”m new to this and I have to ask Do you have to have phone service to root or unlock network?
thank you thank you thank you….worked like a charm!!! I spent over 50.00 bucks getting codes and nothing worked…this took all of 3 mins to do…great app..thanks a ton….
need to unlock samsung galaxy s bad my t mobile phones screen broke and they want 200 bucks to fix but i have my late fathers galaxy s is there anyone that can help
Thank yo so much. It worked like a charm.. Thanks a lot again…
Thank you so much that it worked like a charm thanks a lot again…
Unlocker is available in the market for Samsung Galaxy S 2, Vibrant, Captivate and Galaxy Tab.
can i use this to my samsung gt-15503??
how can i unlock galaxy s so i can use any sim plz help me
Just to check before I try this… If I unlock my Virgin Mobile Vibrant it can be used on the Telus network?
life saver!!! thank you sooooo much!!!
Can confirm it works on virgin mobile (Canada) samsung galaxy s vibrant ……..thank you very much
Hi Brandon,
I have the same device and provider. Tried but did not work for me. May I am missing an important detail and woudl benefit from your exp. at step one, I get “cant save files”? proceed to step 2 and waited for reboot, but nothing happened. Would appreciate any suggestion. thanks.
My email is
my anisials are bj too 🙂
open busy box and grant super user permissions to it
Does this work on Samsung Galaxy S2? i’m no techie and want to check before I play around too much!
Worked on my Galaxy S2. Have a look here to see how I did it:
Works, thank you. After failures with other methods, used z4root and this.
is this gonna work on my Samsung i897 galaxy s?
Help me with samsung i897 network locked.
Pls. tell me how can I connect to internet if my GALAXY S is locked (no GPRS connection) and I don’t have right sim card?Thanks
Wifi smart ass
Hello guys,
Thanks a lot for the info… I can confirm that this procedure works on a Samsung Galaxy S, locked on TELUS. 🙂
YOU’RE AMAZZIINNGGG!!! You put everything simple and that’s rock. I could thank you for a bottle of beer. 🙂
Dear Haroon
This worked with my Samsung Vibrant
Thanks you very much !!!
e2152 sim lock
My pleasure. Glad it helped =)
hello i want u to help me how to un lock my phone it dont let me do anythin thing i only could turn it on and just call emergency kalls….???
what could i do???
When phone is off press power+ volume up+ home button on same time. When the boot programe apear use volume controle to selec your choice. Selec reset device
i thought you was setting me up to freeze it but thought id risk it. totally worked! what a legend, cheers
Hi ,
I have tried with the IEMI # unlock code but it didnt work and I lost $30 . My model is Galaxy S i9000M lock with Sasktel, Canada.
Is this gonna work by your method? Is there ant possibality to brick because I bought it from a guy and I dont know what version was loaded in it when shipped. Please help me out .
I will look forward to hear from you .
Ahmed Shantonu
Thanks Brother.. Every software i tried was not useful. This and only this app helped me out.. You’re so great.. God Bless you.. =)
zain will you please let me how can get my sim net work unlock coade for my samsung glaxy s .
Thank you sooooooooooooooo much!!!!