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Install BIOS Boot Animation On Android Devices

BIOSBootWe all remember the good old PC days when you used to power it on and watch the BIOS check RAM and notify you of other hardware status and then bring the Windows logo to you. While most motherboard manufacturers customized the boot up to something more graphically entertaining and moved most of the data stream behind the scenes, there are still a lot of us nostalgic for that boot up. For this reason, we are bringing you a BIOS based boot animation that would remind you of the good old days and works on a range of Android devices. You can try out the new boot animation by following the below mentioned simple procedure to replace your existing boot animation.

The BIOS Animation is currently supported on the following devices:

The Animation brought to you after the boot replacement is given below:

nexus-bios-boot-previe1rwt gif_kleinuswm

The landscape version is obviously for the Nook Color; the portrait one is for all other Android devices. While the statistics being displayed on the screen during the animation are surely fake (the device is not actually doing what it is showing you), it surely adds the cool geek factor that sets your phone apart from other phones. Here’s the BIOS animation running on our own Motorola Milestone:

BIOS based Boot Animation

Disclaimer: Please follow this guide at your own risk. AddictiveTips will not be liable if your device gets damaged or bricked during the process.



  1. Download the bootanimation.zip file for your device from the list of devices above. We will be saving it at C:\
  2. Make sure USB Debugging mode is enabled on your device in Settings > Applications > Development.
  3. Connect the device to your PC.
  4. Open up a command prompt window and enter the following command to backup your existing boot animation (we’re backing it up to the D drive): adb pull /data/local/bootanimation.zip d:\
  5. Open up a command prompt window and enter the following command: adb push c:\bootanimation.zip /data/local
  6. Type adb reboot to reboot your device. You will now be able to see the BIOS boot animation whenever you reboot your device.

For any updates, suggestions, or addition of supported devices, please go to the XDA-Developers forum thread.

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