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n4get: Reminder App With Custom Alert Patterns & Intervals [Android]

Focusing on simplicity and usability, n4get Reminder is a handy task management app for Android that offers several categories under which you can group all relevant reminders. Not only does the app support setting custom notifications with vibration, sound and/or LED for each reminder, but also lets you enable a scheduled Silent Mode to receive notifications without sounds or vibrations while sleeping or in a meeting. n4get Reminder also offers a couple of useful widgets in multiple sizes that display all upcoming tasks, along with the time left for each, on the homescreen.


Task management and reminder apps might be aplenty in the Android Market, but what sets n4get Reminder apart from others, such as Any.DO and Forget Me Not, is the option to set custom notification intervals and patterns. This particular feature of n4get Reminder makes it a handy alarm clock replacement app too. However, the real forte of the app is its homescreen widgets, namely the n4get Reminder Basic Widget & the n4get Reminder List Widget.

While the Basic Widget focuses on displaying the next task from your to-do list along with the time to whenever the reminder is set to go off, the List Widget gives a much more detailed view of saved reminders. Using the latter, you can filter tasks according to a desired category, manually refresh the countdown time of each saved reminder, and add a new reminder right from the homescreen.


The plus (+) button at the top-right of the homescreen lets you add a new reminder. For each reminder, the app lets  you define a title, description, due time and date, repeat interval (optional), a specific task group/category, and various notification settings.

The app’s homescreen is divided into multiple screens, each listing your added tasks under a particular category. To switch between categories, simply swipe left or right across the screen. Tapping an individual task reveals its details as well as various reminder settings. Another unique aspect of the app is that in addition to displaying time left for upcoming tasks, it keeps you apprised of the exact duration of concluded tasks.


The aforementioned Silent Mode can be activated and configured from the app’s settings screen (Menu > Preferences). In this regard, you have the option of defining a specific Start and End time to trigger the silent mode On/Off.


n4get Reminder has both a free (ad-supported) and $2.50 ad-free version on the Android Market.

Update: The free version of the app seems to have been taken off the Google Play Store for unknown reasons.

Download n4get Reminder for Android (Free)

Download n4get Reminder Pro for Android (Paid)


  1. It looks good, but “Remember the Milk” is really the best reminder App for Android IMHO fully handmade and beautiful Custom Storage Cabinets

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