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Perform IP Address Calculations With Gip IP Address Calculator

Gip is an open source Linux calculator for system and network administrators for performing IP address calculations, e.g., an administrator who may require finding out the IP prefix length, subnets, etc. To calculate IP address related information, simply type the IP, subnet mask and prefix length. Furthermore, Gip can split subnets using a given IP subnet mask, and perform other necessary calculations for converting IP address ranges.

To perform IPv4 calculations, you can input the IP, Subnet mask and prefix length, in order to acquire the binary and hexadecimal output. The IPV4 Address Analyzer tab also displays the output IP address range and number of hosts, including net/broadcast, network address and broadcast address.

IP Calculator

Similarly, the IPv4 Range to Prefix Converter can be used to acquire the prefix and subnet mask of a defined IP address range. Other subnet-based calculations, based on subnet to prefix, can be performed from the IPV4 Subnet Calculator tab.


Gip can be quite handy for primarily acquiring the subnet and binary values of IPV4  addresses, without having to manually calculate them through tedious methods. The only downside of this tool, is that, unlike many Windows based applications, such as Bitcricket IP Calculator, Gip does not provide IPV6 based calculations. Gip can be installed in Ubuntu either from the Ubuntu Software Center, or you can download the source package from the link given below.

Download Gip IP Address Calculator

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