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How to play Satisfactory on Linux

Satisfactory is a simulation game that puts the player into a 3D open world and tasks them with creating a functioning factory. Satisfactory was developed and published by Coffee Stain Studios. It was released on Steam in early access, allowing it to run on Linux via Proton/Steam Play.

Play Satisfactory on Linux

Satisfactory is not a native Linux game, but you can still play it on the Linux platform with Steam’s Steam Play feature’s help. However, to gain access to the Steam Play feature, you must install the Steam client on your Linux PC.

Install Steam

Installing the Steam for Linux client is very easy, as the app is widely supported on all of Linux. To start the installation process, open up a terminal window on the desktop. Once the terminal window is open, follow the installation instructions outlined below that corresponds with the distribution you currently use.


If you’re an Ubuntu Linux user, you will be able to install Steam quickly and easily by using the following Apt command in a terminal window.

sudo apt install steam


Steam is a closed source piece of technology. For as useful as it is, the Debian developers do not like that it is proprietary. For this reason, they don’t make it easy to install Steam right off the bat by requiring users to enable the “Non-free” software repository manually. 

While enabling the “Non-free” software repository isn’t exactly difficult, it can be annoying. To get around needing to do this, you can download the Steam client directly from Valve’s website using the wget command below.

wget https://steamcdn-a.akamaihd.net/client/installer/steam.deb

After the Steam DEB package is downloaded to your computer, the installation of the app can begin. Using the dpkg command, install the latest Steam onto your computer. Keep in mind that during this installation, errors may occur on the screen. 

sudo dpkg -i steam.deb

Once the Steam app is installed, quickly correct the errors that may have occurred with the command below.

sudo apt-get install -f

Arch Linux

If you’re using Arch Linux, you’ll be happy to know that it is possible to install the Steam app with the pacman command with no trouble at all. However, be sure that you have the “multilib” software repository enabled in your Pacman.conf file.

sudo pacman -S steam


On both OpenSUSE and Fedora, installing Steam is a pain. If you’re not a fan of dealing with tedious installation methods, it is highly recommended that you try the Flatpak installation instructions instead. It is a much easier way of installing Steam.


Steam is available as a Flatpak, which is good news for the broader Linux community as it enables Steam support on nearly every distribution. To start the installation, you must install and enable the Flatpak runtime. After that, use the flatpak remote-add command to add the Flathub app store to Flatpak.

flatpak remote-add --if-not-exists flathub https://flathub.org/repo/flathub.flatpakrepo

After enabling the Flathub app store, the installation of Steam is ready to go. Using flatpak install, get Steam working.

flatpak install flathub com.valvesoftware.Steam

Install Satisfactory 

Once the Steam app is installed, log into your account and follow the step-by-step instructions to get Satisfactory working on Linux.

Step 1: Click on the “Steam” menu in the Steam app. Then, locate the “Settings” option, and click on it to access Steam settings. Inside of Steam settings, find “Steam Play,” and click on it.

In the “Steam Play” area, find “Enable Steam Play for supported titles” and ” “Enable Steam Play for all other titles” and check the boxes next to them. Then, click “OK” to apply the changes.

Step 2: Locate the “STORE” button at the top of the page, and click on it. Inside the “STORE” area, click on the search button, and look for “Satisfactory.” Then, click on it to head over to the Satisfactory Storefront page.

Step 3: On the Satisfactory Storefront page, locate the green “Add to cart” button and click on it. Selecting this button will allow you to purchase the game. After buying the game, click on “LIBRARY” to go to your Steam library.

Step 4: Update your Linux graphics drivers. Satisfactory has issues starting up if you do not have the latest Linux graphics drivers. Get the absolute latest drivers available for your system.

Step 5: In the “LIBRARY” section of Steam, search for “Satisfactory” and click on it with the mouse. Once on the “Satisfactory” page, click on the blue “INSTALL” button. When you select “INSTALL,” Steam will download and install the game to your computer. Keep in mind that the download may take a while.

Once the download for Satisfactory is complete, the blue “INSTALL” button will become a green “PLAY” button. Select it with the mouse to start up the game. Keep in mind that the game may run buggy as it is in early access. Enjoy!

1 Comment

  1. If you want to install Steam on Fedora, just simply use build-in app Software where Steam is (it’s much simpler)

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