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How to set up uGet downloader on Linux

The uGet downloader is a cross-platform download manager that allows users to download files at faster speeds. It also allows users to pause and resume file downloads, and it even handles boutique protocols like Torrent and others.

In this guide, we’ll go over how to install the uGet download manager to all major open-source Linux-based operating systems. Also, we’ll show you how to integrate the download manager with Firefox so that it automatically handles all file downloads.

Note: although this tutorial is primarily focused on the Linux platform, uGet is also available on other operating systems, such as Windows, BSD, and Android. If you’d like to get the uGet for a non-Linux platform, click here!

Installing uGet on Linux

The uGet downloader tool does not come preinstalled with any mainstream Linux operating systems. For this reason, we must demonstrate how to install the uGet downloader tool before we go over how to integrate it with Firefox, or how to use it.

To start the installation for uGet on your Linux PC, open up a terminal window by pressing Ctrl + Alt + T or Ctrl + Shift + T on the keyboard. Then follow the command-line installation instructions outlined below that corresponds with the operating system you currently use.


On Ubuntu Linux, you’ll be able to install the uGet downloader program with the Apt package manager.

sudo apt install uget


Those using Debian Linux will be able to get the uGet downloader program set up by using the following Apt-get command below.

sudo apt-get install uget

Arch Linux

Arch Linux users can get the uGet downloader program set up by running the Pacman command below.

sudo pacman -S uget


On Fedora Linux, it is possible to install uGet with the dnf package manager.

sudo dnf install uget


OpenSUSE users can get their hands on the uGet downloader program through the Oss software repository. Use the zypper package manager to get it working.

sudo zypper install uget


The uGet downloader is pretty popular, and a lot of Linux distributions have the app in their software repositories. That said, some lesser-known Linux operating systems may not have it available for installation.

If you’re using a Linux operating system that does not have uGet available for installation, the only way to get it working is to download the source code and compile it from scratch. Head over to this page here to grab uGet.

Setting up Firefox integration

To integrate the uGet downloader with the Firefox web browser, update your Linux PC to install the latest patches. Then, follow the step-by-step instructions below.

Step 1: The uGet downloader will not work with the Firefox web browser without installing the uGet Integrator tool. To install the uGet Integrator tool, open up a terminal window. Then, follow the command-line installation instructions that correspond with the Linux operating system you use.


First, add the PPA to Ubuntu with the add-apt-repository command.

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:uget-team/ppa

Next, run the update command to enable the uGet software repository.

sudo apt update

Finally, install the uGet Integrator tool on Ubuntu with apt install.

sudo apt install uget-integrator


Sadly there is no PPA for Debian. Instead, you must install it via an SH script.

wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ugetdm/uget-integrator/master/install/linux/install_uget_integrator.sh

chmod +x install_uget_integrator.sh


Arch Linux

The uGet Integrator is available to all Arch users via Pacman.

sudo pacman -S uget-integrator-firefox


On Fedora, you must run an SH script to install the uGet Integrator, as there is no RPM package or Fedora repository available.

wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ugetdm/uget-integrator/master/install/linux/install_uget_integrator.sh

chmod +x install_uget_integrator.sh



There’s no RPM package or repository for OpenSUSE Linux users. To get it working, you will need to run an SH script.

wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ugetdm/uget-integrator/master/install/linux/install_uget_integrator.sh

chmod +x install_uget_integrator.sh


Step 2: After installing the uGet Integrator tool on your Linux PC, it is time to install the Firefox uGet add-on. This add-on will allow the Firefox web browser to communicate with the uGet Integrator program installed on your Linux PC in step 1.

Keep in mind that this addon is not verified by Mozilla. It is safe, as uGet is a reputable developer but it’s worth mentioning. To install the addon, click here.

Step 3: Restart the Firefox web browser. Restarting isn’t required. However, the add-on may work best after the browser has a chance to restart.

Step 4: Open up the uGet Downloader on your Linux desktop.

Step 5: Copy the uGet desktop file to the ~/.config/autostart folder to allow uGet to automatically start up when logging in.

mkdir -p ~/.config/autostart/
cp /usr/share/applications/uget-gtk.desktop ~/.config/autostart/

Once autostart is set up for uGet, the configuration process is done. From here, when you download any file, uGet will handle it rather than the Firefox web browser. Enjoy!

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