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How To Upgrade Fedora Linux

Fedora Linux is an operating system mainly targeted towards users who know what they’re doing. Getting it set up isn’t like Ubuntu or Linux Mint, and it takes some know-how to use it day to day.

Despite all of the complexities of this operating system, the upgrade process is one of the most natural and most hands-off in all of Linux. Very few distributions come close. Are you a new Fedora Linux user? Don’t know how upgrading works? If so, create a backup of your critical data and follow along to learn how to upgrade Fedora Linux  to the latest version.

Note: don’t feel like going through this process? Consider downloading the latest ISO of Fedora Linux and re-installing instead.

Upgrade Fedora Linux With Gnome Software

Fedora Linux is one of the easiest ways to get the latest version of Gnome Shell, Gnome Software, and the entire suite of Gnome applications.

If you’re using the main release of Fedora with Gnome, the upgrade process couldn’t be easier. To do it, log into your Fedora Linux PC and open up the Gnome Software application.

In Gnome Software, there are three separate panels. Choose the “Updates” panel, and look for the refresh button. Click the refresh button and allow Gnome Software to look for new updates.

When the refreshing process completes, the Software app will display all updates available. If the app discovers a new version of Fedora Linux, you’ll see a message that says a new version of Fedora is “ready to be installed”.

Start the upgrade by clicking “Install,” followed by “Restart & Install Upgrade.”

Clicking the “Restart & Install Upgrade” button will reboot Fedora Linux to the Grub bootloader. Don’t press any buttons, or try to load in one of the many options in the menu. Instead, sit back and let the OS automatically load up.

As it loads up, you’ll see a screen that has the Fedora logo slowly filling up with a white color. This screen featuring this the logo is the Fedora upgrade area. Sit back, let the emblem fill all the way up. When it’s complete, you’ll have finished updating to the newest version of Fedora Linux.

Upgrade Fedora Linux Via DNF

Fedora Linux has a lot of different flavors, not just Gnome Shell. There are several different versions (KDE, Cinnamon, XFCE, Mate, etc.). As a result, the project can’t create a special upgrade tool for each.

Instead, if you’re using an alternative spin to the Gnome version of Fedora the best path to a new release is through DNF in the terminal. Luckily, It’s efficient, quick, and about as easy as Gnome Software.

Before starting the upgrade in DNF, however, some things need to be done. Mainly, you’ll need to install any pending software updates on the system.  To install updates, open the terminal and run the following commands.

sudo dnf refresh
sudo dnf upgrade -y

Let DNF install any updates on your Fedora Linux PC. When the update completes, it’s time to start the distribution upgrade process. This process begins by installing the DNF upgrade plugin to the system.

sudo dnf install dnf-plugin-system-upgrade -y

This plugin allows Fedora users to quickly grab a new version of the operating system directly through the terminal. To use this plugin, you’ll need to specify the latest Fedora release number.

In this tutorial, we’re using Fedora 27 to upgrade to Fedora 28, as it is the newest release. If you’re reading this tutorial in the future, be sure to change “28” in the command below to the version you’re trying to install.

sudo dnf system-upgrade download --releasever=28

The system-upgrade command works by downloading all of the individual updates available to your system. These downloads are enormous, so you’ll need to be patient and let the command run its course.

When the upgrade command finishes downloading all of the packages and essential files that Fedora needs to do the upgrade, it’s time to complete the upgrade process.

Much like in the Gnome Software method, Fedora Linux needs to be in a state of “upgrading” to change to a new release. To get to this state through the terminal, you’ll have to run the system-upgrade command, with the reboot modifier.

sudo dnf system-upgrade reboot

As Fedora reboots the Grub menu selection screen will appear. Don’t press anything, or attempt to load another operating system. Keep your hands off the keyboard and let Fedora Linux boot on its own.

During the upgrade, pay attention to what the messages say as they appear on the screen. Let Fedora handle everything. When the OS finishes upgrading, it will automatically restart.

To use the new version of Fedora Linux, enter your user details and log back in!

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