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How to use Teleport on Linux to send files

File Sharing is getting better on Linux. Gone are the days that you need set up a local FTP server or configure an SSH to send files to from one PC to another. Now, you can use apps like Teleport to quickly send a file over the network.

Teleport isn’t the first file-sharing application we’ve covered for Linux on AddictiveTips. Still, it’s worth checking out, especially if you’re not a fan of Transporter, Nitroshare, or others. Here’s how to get it going.

Install Teleport

Before learning how to send files with the Teleport application, you’ll need to install it to your Linux PC. As of now, the application can be built on Ubuntu, Debian, and Arch Linux. Additionally, the developers have a Snap package and Flatpak package available for users to install.

To start the installation of Teleport on Linux, press Ctrl + Alt + T or Ctrl + Shift + T on the keyboard to open up a terminal window. From there, follow the command-line instructions below that correspond with the Linux OS you currently use.


Building Teleport on Ubuntu (or Debian) requires quite a few dependencies. To get these dependencies up and running on your system, use the apt command below.

Note: Debian users may need to change apt to apt-get.

sudo apt install pkg-config libsoup2.4-dev libavahi-client3 libavahi-client-dev libgtk-3-dev meson

After installing the dependencies, use the git clone command to download the source code to Ubuntu/Debian.

git clone https://github.com/frac-tion/teleport.git

Move your terminal session into the “teleport” directory using the CD command. Then, run the “configure” command.

cd teleport

Compile the code with make and install Teleport with the make install command.

make -j$(nproc)
sudo make install

Arch Linux

The developer of Teleport lists how to compile the app on GitHub manually. To start the compilation process, installing dependencies is needed. Using the Pacman command, install them.

sudo pacman -S git base-devel  libsoup avahi gtk3 meson

With the dependencies taken care of, use git clone to download the Teleport code.

git clone https://github.com/frac-tion/teleport.git

Enter the code directory with CD and use the configure command.

cd teleport

Assuming the configuration script runs successfully, use make and make install to install the program on your system.

make -j$(nproc)

sudo make install


Teleport is in the Snap store. To install it, ensure your Linux PC has the Snap runtime enabled. After enabling the runtime, go to your terminal window and use the following snap install command to set up Teleport.

sudo snap install --edge teleport


Are you a fan of Flatpak and want to get your hands on the Teleport app? If so, make sure that your Linux PC is running the latest Flatpak runtime. After that, enter the two commands below into the terminal window to install the newest version of Teleport

flatpak remote-add --if-not-exists flathub https://flathub.org/repo/flathub.flatpakrepo

flatpak install flathub com.frac_tion.teleport

Send files with Teleport

Now that the Teleport application is set up on your Linux PC, please go through the installation process again on the PC you plan to share files with. Keep in mind that it does not matter what version of the app you install on it, as all versions work the same.

Once you’ve got the app set up on both computers, launch the app and keep them open on both machines. Then, go back to the PC sending the file and look at the Teleport app. It should automatically detect the other PC in the UI.

Step 1: Open up the file manager on the Linux PC you plan to send files from. Keep in mind that files and folders sent through Teleport must be local files, so if you plan to use a network drive, copy everything to your Linux PC.

Step 2: Allow Teleport to scan for the computer on the receiving end. If the Teleport application is successful at scanning the network for the other Linux PC, it will appear in the devices list down below.

Step 3: On the remote PC, click the menu button at the top right part of the app and set the default download location for transfers. For best results, set the transfer directory to “Downloads.”

Step 4: Return to the file manager of the PC sending the file/folder through Teleport, and drag the things you’d like to send from the file manager to the remote PC on the list. Alternatively, click the “Send file” button.

Step 5: Let the transfer run its course. When the transfer is done, it’ll be in the “Downloads” directory on the remote PC.

Repeat this process as many times as necessary to send files over the network via Teleport!

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