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How to change your name on Google Meet

Google Meet can be used with or without an account. If you choose to use Google Meet with an account, you will use a Google account. You can use your personal account, or a Google Apps account. 

When you join a Google Meet meeting, you have to join with a name. If you’re signed in, your name is automatically filled in and it’s the same that you’ve set for a Google account. If you choose not to sign, you can set a name for yourself before you enter a meeting.

Change name in Google Meet

If you need to change the name you use in a Google Meet meeting, you should know that is cannot be done while you’re in the meeting. If you’re the one hosting the meeting, you should definitely do this before the meeting starts. 

Since meeting hosts must be signed into a Google account, changing your name in the meeting means you have to change it for your Google account.

Change Google Account name

You can change your Google Account name whenever you want. It will not change your email address however, it will likely change your name in Contacts, and for your contacts who you message or email using Google Services. 

  1. Visit your Google Account page by clicking this link.
  2. Sign in again if you’re prompted to.
  3. Select the Personal info tab from the column on the right.
  4. Click on your name (sign in again if prompted to).
  5. Change your name and click Save.
  6. When you next join a Google Meet meeting, other participants will see you with your new name.

Change anonymous name in Google Meet

If you join a Google Meet meeting anonymously i.e., you do not sign into a Google account, you must enter a name before you can ask to join the meeting. This name cannot be changed while you’re still in the meeting. If you want to change it, you will need to leave, and join again.

This process comes with a complication; when you join the meeting again after changing your name, you will have to be allowed back in by the host which may be inappropriate or not, given the context of the meeting.

  1. Quit the meeting by clicking the hang up button.
  2. You will see a page with a Rejoin button.
  3. Click the Rejoin button.
  4. Enter the name you want to use.
  5. Click Ask to Join.
  6. Wait for the meeting host to allow you back into the meeting.
  7. You will appear with the new name.


Names in a meeting are important information associated with users. The host may choose to mute a user who they identify by their name, among other things. If users are able to change their name in the middle of a meeting, it will be harder for the host to manage it. Make sure you have a good reason for changing your name and let the host know via chat when you’re going to do it.


  1. I rarely change my name on Google Meet, but this trick is very interesting, thank you for sharing this>3

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