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Create Google Calendar Entries From Events On Webpages Using Spot For Chrome

Google Calendar and Chrome make a combination that can bring a lot of ease and convenience to your life. Back when Chrome was in its infancy, we covered an extension for the browser that brought Google Calendar integration to Chrome. Merely having access to your events in Chrome might not be enough for many though, which is why there is still market for extensions that let you actually manage your calendar right from within the web browser. Spot is a Chrome extension that takes this idea a step further, letting you manage your Google Calendar, and automatically creating events out of the content found on the webpages you visit. You can choose any event sniffed out by Spot from a page, or simply create one manually any time you want. The extension even has a good discovery side to it, offering event recommendations based on your location.

Spot Chrome Events On Page

Once Spot has been installed on Chrome, all you have to do is link your Google account with it to get started. The extension displays a list of all the upcoming events that are already in your calendar under the ‘View Calendar’ tab. To see the real magic though, navigate to a webpage that has some event details listed on it. The text doesn’t have to be in any particular format; Spot is smart enough to distinguish between events and ordinary dates. Just click the extension’s blue icon to see a list of all the available events found on the page. Event title, timings, and location are all part of the summary shown on the main Spot screen.

Spot Chrome Event

To add an event found on a page, simply click its entry in the Spot window, and confirm your selection by hitting the ‘Add to calendar’ button. To help users, Spot displays a warning message if a new event’s timings clash with an existing one’s. The same holds true for adding events to your Calendar manually by clicking the ‘Create Event’ button.

Spot Chrome Events

When it comes to event discovery, Spot can be really useful. Just use the ‘Find More’ button and select your search parameters. It is possible to limit the event search to a particular category, from choices including Entertainment, Food, Sports, etc. Events can also be explored based on their location, as Spot allows its users to select a city and then look for events around it. Search results are organized based on their scheduled starting and ending times.

Spot is a free extension and can be found at the following link.

Install Spot from Chrome Web Store

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