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ClicksAndWhistles Is A Free Light-Weight Compact IRC Chat Client

With the advent of latest technologies, people are moving to newer forms of communication. But when it comes to group or private discussions, seeking help, or just being part of the community, nothing beats IRC. IRC, which stands for, Internet Relay Chat is a popular form of real-time text communication. One of the most important IRC chat client is mIRC, but it is not free.

ClicksAndWhistles is a free light-weight and compact IRC chat client for Windows that supports various forms of customizations and is clutter-free as a whole. It supports multiple identities and server connections. You can customize the background(by adding custom .jpg images), change themes and fonts easily. Once you are connected to the server, you can select the channel that you would like to join.

ClicksAndWhistles joining irc channel

You can Favorite multiple channels and later access them from the favorite menu. You can choose to minimize the app to the System tray and it will notify you of any activity via Popup and Sound events notification. Below is the screenshot of this client with a custom background.

ClicksAndWhistles custom image background

To add a custom background or to change the color of fonts, go to Tools > Options and then under Themes click Edit. Overall, it’s a great app that has a very clean and intuitive interface. It works on Windows XP, Vista, and 7. Enjoy!

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