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How to find the motherboard model on Windows 10

A motherboard is an essential component of every computer. The motherboard model is what determines the other hardware that you can add to your system. If you want to increase the RAM on your system, for example, your motherboard needs to have empty slots for it and it has to support the card that you’re trying to add. This particular component is so essential, OEM licenses are tied to it and replacing it is almost like getting a new PC.

Find motherboard model

If you need to know what your motherboard is capable of, and you don’t want to physically open up your PC to take a look, you can find the motherboard model number from inside Windows 10.

Command Prompt

Open Command Prompt with admin rights, and run the following command;

wmic baseboard get product, manufacturer, version, serialnumber

The output will return the product name, serial number, and version of the motherboard that’s installed on your PC.

System information

If you don’t have admin access on your system, you can check the System Information app for this same information. Select System Summary and look for the the BaseBoard entries. You won’t find the the serial number for your motherboard but the rest of the information is there.


CPU-Z is an app that we recommend for a lot of things such as finding out whether your CPU is a Skylake or kabylake processor. Download, install, and run the app. It has a tab called MainBoard which is another name for motherboard and it will give you the model number and version for it. Unfortunately, it still won’t give you the serial number for the motherboard so if that’s what you need, you’re going to have to use the Command Prompt method.

The serial number of a motherboard is rarely needed. If you need to replace your motherboard and are looking for the same model, the information that the System Information app and CPU-Z give you will do the trick. If you need to look up the slots it has, you can Google its model number.

If you’re looking to add or change the hardware components on your PC, you should also check what hardware you currently have on your system. The motherboard will determine what you can and cannot add to your system but the hardware you add needs to be compatible with the other components as well. You can’t, for example, change your GPU but not have enough RAM to support it.

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